The Limited Times

Di Segni, Liberation concerns everyone, not just a part

4/25/2023, 2:06:39 PM

"For me it is very important to be here in Milan at the national demonstration. We are part of this Milanese history but also of all of Italy liberated with the efforts of the Resistance, of the partisans, even of the Jewish ones of the Jewish Brigade". (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - MILAN, APRIL 25 - "It is very important for me to be here in Milan at the national demonstration. We are part of this Milanese history but also of all of Italy liberated with the efforts of the Resistance, of the partisans, even of the Jews of the Jewish Brigade ".

The president of the Union of Italian Jewish communities Noemi Di Segni says it for the first time in Milan on 25 April.

"It is a duty to be in Milan and reiterate what we were freed from, that is, from Nazi fascism, it cannot be a celebration that concerns only a part of the Italians - she added -, but this Liberation must be a recognition that applies to all".


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