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Israel celebrates 75: this is what is expected of it this year according to numerology - voila! Spirit and horoscope

4/25/2023, 6:30:33 PM

Analyzing the birth date of the State of Israel, May 14, 1948, we will get the number 5 which speaks of a lot of action, movement, unrest, challenges and wars. This is what awaits her this year

The State of Israel celebrates 75 - time to understand where it is going? (Photo: ShutterStock)

The State of Israel is celebrating 75 years and she was born on May 14, 1948.

First I would like to refer to the name of our country "Israel" - and the meaning of its name in the light of Kabbalistic and Western numerology.


- in gematria 541 and reduced to a single digit number: the number 1. Israel is the second name of Jacob who fought with a miraculous figure and was called Israel after he defeated her.

By the way, from that change of the name of Jacob our father to Israel, we learned that according to the Kabbalistic evidence, changing a person's name changes attributes and frequency according to the reading of his name.

The name "Yaakov" (in Gematria 2) gave Jacob qualities of sensitivity and connection to the mother figure Rebecca Amnu who preferred him, so they say, to her eldest son Esau.

From the moment Jacob changed his name to Israel,

he gained the abilities of a true leader and led the people



He is a name with power (meaning: "Lord of God").

The geometry of the name 1 speaks of supremacy, uniqueness, power and strength - and about this it is said: "One is our God, our God, our God in heaven and on earth" (poet of the Seder night).

In the sources we are called Bnei Yisrael (from the meaning that we are the sons of Jacob our father).

The name "Israel" is mentioned many times in the sources as it is said "The land which God smote before the people of Israel is a blessed land and a blessed

land for your servants" (Bambar 32).

And unique only to you, “Israel.” What can we learn from your name?

Israel stars on the world map - but this is going to be a year of correction for it (Photo: ShutterStock, Vrezh Gyozalyan)

In analyzing the date of birth of the State of Israel, 14.5.1948, I will get the number of destiny or the numerological code which is "5".

Add the day of birth + the month of birth + the year of birth of the State of Israel and reduce it to a single digit number.

The destiny number of the State of Israel reduced to a single digit number is:



The number 5 speaks of a lot of action, movement, restlessness, challenges, wars, struggles inside and outside the country along with a lot of luck and protection.


When we reduce the day of birth to 14, we will again get the number 5. The month of birth, the month of May, is also 5. The total of the date of birth reduced to a single digit number will again bring the number 5. How do our grandmothers say?

Hamsa, Hamsa Hamsa: 555 for better or for worse.

On the one hand there is a number that gives protection and on the other hand there is a number that also needs protection.

The State of Israel, despite its relatively young age, has achieved with great pride significant achievements in the fields of technology, economy, culture and education, but alongside these amazing achievements, the State of Israel has suffered and is still suffering a great many difficult challenges.

The year 2023 (2+0+2+3 reduced to a single digit we get the number 7)

In my previous article I talked about how the year 2023 is a year of global correction.

The number 7 is identified in almost all cultures as a number that speaks of correction, spirituality, disconnection and sabbath.

Israel is, even before her birthday (as early as 2022), not only in a global sabbatical year - but in a specific numerological timing of frequency 7. The meaning is that we are experiencing correction already from the previous year in addition to the global global correction (ie: double correction).

Unfortunately, the same correction will continue throughout 2023 and we will feel it until the end - and as it should.

More in Walla!

Numerological forecast for 2023 - including tips for Ronaldo, Messi and Noa Kirel

To the full article

The geometry of the name, 1, speaks of superiority, uniqueness, power and strength (Photo: ShutterStock)

Israel celebrates 75 years


75 contains within it two very interesting numbers: the 5 which, as I mentioned, speaks of action, changes, movement, luck and challenges, and the 7 of the Shabbat (from the word Shabbat where we strike and need time) and is also associated with religion, for the need for protection, prayer, separation and guarding.

Actually in number 75 we get energy of two different ends: the 5 which is full of fire and action and the 7 which wants to stop, run away, strike or not fight.

The contrast in these numbers can lead to a lot of chaos, disagreements, a desire to change on the one hand and an inability to really move forward properly, just like the story with the dog chasing its own tail.

This year is expected to continue to be challenging.

Fortunately for us Rabbi Israel is very well preserved.

The 75th birthday will mark a year of strong energetic dissonance.

On the one hand, we will receive the protections of the 5 (the traditional hamsa), the action and restlessness - and on the other hand, the spiritual connection, slowing down, inability to cope properly and the disconnection of the number 7.

By adding the two digits: 7 + 5 (75) we will get the number 12 and if we reduce it to a single digit number we will get the number 3, a story that talks about preservation, opportunities and transition of energy frequencies.

In the aspect of the personal year in which the country is located (each date of birth has a personal year that speaks of the same frequency that will accompany us throughout the year), Israel enters from her birthday on 14.5 into the 8th year which strengthens her after the feedback year (year 7).

Year 8 is a strong year on the one hand, but its warlike, stubborn and uncompromising year that will affect the areas of the economy, internal security nationally and abroad.

Timing of a personal year 8 is a much tougher, stubborn and warlike timing unfortunately and comes with the results of the year.

We must remember that the State of Israel, our beloved and tiny country despite what it is experiencing now, is stronger than anything.

The geometry of her name is strong, her birthday speaks of a lot of preservation along with many challenges and this year we will continue to experience difficulties along with serious changes that will come this time the hard way to bring about a change that will bring true balance and peace for generations.

Happy birthday to my Land of Israel!

I dedicate to you the well-known poem of Rabbi Akiva, which is the ancient recipe for reconciliation and free love, because we are all brothers - let's not forget that for a moment.

Rabbi Akiva said,

Rabbi Akiva said:

And you shall

love your neighbor as yourself

This is a great rule, great in the Torah

This is a great rule in the Torah

The author is Yifat Orlev, a Kabbalistic and Western numerologist.

  • Spirit and horoscope

  • Numerology


  • Independence Day

  • Israel