The Limited Times

Cristina Kirchner today in La Plata, LIVE: the vice president's speech, minute by minute

4/27/2023, 9:25:21 PM

The vice president reappears in a political act at the Teatro Argentino de La Plata. Strong criticism against the IMF is expected.

Cristina Kirchner

will once again lead a

public event in La Plata

 this Thursday in the midst of the exchange crisis that brought the

blue dollar

to almost $500 on Tuesday and will speak for the first time after the resignation of President

Alberto Fernández

to his candidacy in search of re-election .

As the hours go by, the expectation in the ruling party grows. 

LIVENews in Development

27.04.2023 18:13


Macri spoke of the 20 years of Kirchnerism minutes before Cristina's word: "A missed opportunity"

 "We had everything to grow without the vices that had haunted us for decades. It had cost us more suffering than necessary, but finally we seemed ready to grow, with a strong and solid democracy and economy. However, on April 27, 2003, 20 years ago today, Néstor Kirchner won the presidential elections. And all that promise came to nothing," Macri said in a long post on the networks.

27.04.2023 18:11


Before speaking, Cristina Kirchner posted the stage and a pen

27.04.2023 18:11


Victoria Tolosa Paz: "We may have differences, but the coincidences have undoubtedly been greater"

"I want to remember that four years ago we are the government, none of the representatives of the Frente de Todos withdrew from space. We may have differences, but the coincidences have undoubtedly been greater than the disagreements and this must also be expressed," said the minister of Social Development, Victoria Tolosa Paz.

"I am convinced, knowing the President of the Nation and Cristina, that they will see again in that meeting the culmination of being able to start expressing the rules of the game. Meanwhile, all of us are part of the Political Front that we make an enormous effort to manage from our responsibility but to continue activating the expansion and construction of the Political Front that we represent," added the former deputy.

27.04.2023 17:59


Nicolás Kreplak: "The expectation today does not have to be the launch of a candidacy, we are two months away from that"

The Minister of Health of the Province of Buenos Aires toned down the expectations of candidacies before the word of Cristina Kirchner.

"The expectation today does not have to be the launch of a candidacy, we are two months away from that. The horses still have to be ordered first in front of the cart. The political project must be clear, it is clear that there must be unity in the national and popular sector", affirmed Kreplak before the


cameras .

27.04.2023 17:52


A preventive anti-explosives operation sparked rumors of a bomb threat that was not

Neighbors of the Teatro Argentino de La Plata saw an anti-explosion brigade perform in the vicinity of the theater.

As the agents searched the front of nearby buildings, some people got scared and thus the rumor of the bomb threat that did not happen arose.

"No protocol was activated," reliable sources confirmed to Clarín.

The search is common in massive events and more with the presence of the vice president.

The Kirchner militancy did not take note of the rumor that occurred around the venue where Cristina Kirchner will speak.

27.04.2023 17:46


"Wherever you go", the endurance of La Cámpora

27.04.2023 17:42


A leader sentenced to eight years in prison, among Cristina Kirchner's guests

The former governor of Entre Ríos, Sergio Urribarri, sentenced in April last year to eight years in prison and perpetual disqualification from holding public office, for the crimes of embezzlement and negotiations incompatible with public function, appeared in La Plata.


​"Invited by Cristina Kirchner, we are already in La Plata to attend the presentation of the Néstor Kirchner Justicialista School and listen to his master class. 20 years after the election that changed history, we continue working to build a better future for our people," posted Urribarri, who wants to be a candidate for governor in Entre Ríos because he appealed the sentence.

27.04.2023 17:31


CFK, in Alberto Fernández style: delays in the start time

Now the organizers slip that Cristina Kirchner is going to start speaking at the Teatro Argentino de La Plata between 6:30 p.m. and 6:45 p.m.

They clarify that she will be the only speaker.

27.04.2023 17:20


Daniel Gollan: "Axel beats Victoria Tolosa Paz 20-1"

The national deputy and Buenos Aires Minister of Health, Daniel Gollan, recognized for speaking of the "patita plan" in the 2021 elections, pointed out that there is "a lot of expectation" for Cristina Kirchner's speech.

"It will raise the bar for discussion, raise the level of what needs to be seriously discussed," remarked the former minister.

"What we need is strong candidates, Axel beats Victoria Tolosa Paz 20 to 1," Gollan remarked about the intern of the Frente de Todos before the Clarín



27.04.2023 17:08


"He doesn't give him the leather", the Chicana of Fernando Iglesias before the word of Cristina Kirchner

27.04.2023 17:00

five pm

Patricia Bullrich's place in front of Cristina's act

Patricia Bullrich's great venue in front of Cristina Kirchner's act.

In front of the stage where

Cristina Kirchner

will speak , Patricia Bullrich's great venue remains closed and the lights are off.

27.04.2023 16:53


Strong security operation in advance of Cristina Kirchner's act

Thousands of people attend a talk by the vice president, Cristina Kirchner.

Photo: EFE/ Juan Ignacio Roncoroni

Police with dogs, fences several blocks from the Teatro Argentino de La Plata are part of the strong security operation prior to the act of the vice president shortly after seven months of the attack against Cristina Kirchner in Recoleta.

27.04.2023 16:45

4:45 p.m.

In the preview of the act, C5N interviewed a "penguin of José C Paz"

In the preview of the act, C5N interviewed a "Penguin of José C Paz".

"Today's expectation is that Cristina says that she is going to run for President. She is the only one who can give us joy, the future," a penguin pointed out to the journalist on the C5N mobile, who asked him about the


with almost 30 degrees in La Plata.

"Hold on C5N, La Cámpora and Cristina," said the man disguised as a penguin who had the legend José C. Paz on the front.

27.04.2023 16:38

4:38 p.m.

Martín Sabbatella, another of those attending Cristina's event in La Plata

27.04.2023 16:19

4:19 p.m.

Axel Kicillof anticipated what Cristina Kirchner will talk about and revived the campaign of fear: "A possible tragedy is coming"

The Buenos Aires governor,

Axel Kicillof

, reinstated the campaign of fear in the face of an eventual triumph of the opposition and warned that "there is no more time, we must communicate and show what is in danger of extinction if the same thing comes, but faster and deeper."

Before, he announced that Cristina Kirchner "will talk about the importance of education, science and technology in a development model, but also in a model with inclusion."

As part of his strategy, Kicillof used the statements of the Together for Change candidates, especially those who ratified the decision to maintain the same recipe applied during the Mauricio Macri government but more quickly and with greater force.

read more here 

27.04.2023 15:59


Sileoni: "Cristina ensures alternatives"

The General Director of Culture and Education of the Province of Buenos Aires, Alberto Sileoni, considered that the leadership of Vice President Cristina Kirchner ensures "alternatives" in relation to a presidential candidacy of the Frente de Todos (FdT).

Hours before the former president's participation in an act in La Plata, in which she could give clues about the FdT candidacies in the next election, Sileoni assessed that if Cristina Kirchner does not present herself as a candidate, the candidate for the ruling party should be the one " better translate the thought of the Kirchnerist space".

"We have to think about what we have in front of us (in relation to Together for Change) and that is why we must accompany the colleagues who seem to have possibilities. Then we will see who the candidate is," he said.

27.04.2023 15:32


La Cámpora recalled another act by Cristina hours before her public reappearance

27.04.2023 14:58

2:58 p.m.

Mario Secco: "The only one who can order the FdT is Cristina"

The mayor of Ensenada, Mario Secco, affirmed that Cristina Kirchner is the main ordering factor of the Frente de Todos and again asked that the head of the Senate be a candidate in the next elections.

"The only one that the Frente de Todos can order is Cristina, that's why every time she appears, all the lights come on," Secco stressed in the preview of the "master class" that the former president will give at the Teatro Argentino de La Plata.

In dialogue with La 990, the mayor once again asked that the head of the Senate be a candidate in the next elections: "For us there is no Plan B, for us there is someone who drives who appears on the scene today."

27.04.2023 14:15

2:15 p.m.

Daniel Arroyo: "Cristina is a charismatic leader comparable to Menem and Perón"

Deputy Daniel Arroyo.

Photo: Rolando Andrade Stracuzzi.

The deputy of the Frente de Todos Daniel Arroyo compared Cristina Kirchner this Thursday with other Argentine presidents for her charisma, and confirmed that she will be present at the act in which the vice president will give a magisterial talk in La Plata.

"I will be at Cristina Fernández de Kirchner's event today," said the former minister during an interview with Radio Diez, and agreed with some of the former president's economic ideas.

"I believe in what Cristina has been proposing for a long time about a bi-monetary economy," said Arroyo.

The legislator also put Cristina Kirchner at the same level as other former presidents.

"Cristina is a charismatic leader, she is different from the rest, she is comparable to Menem, Alfonsín or Perón," he said.

27.04.2023 13:37


Omar Plaini: "Cristina has already made a decision"

The trade unionist Omar Plaini stated this Thursday that he does not believe that Cristina Kirchner is going to change her decision not to run in the next elections, and made an internal call to the Frente de Todos to define candidacies.

"Cristina has already made a decision. Despite my desire and that of millions, I don't think she will change her decision," said the general secretary of Canillitas in an interview with



"We wasted a lot of time defining the situation of the Frente de Todos. Now we have to resolve it," he added, stressing that "the only one who guarantees to know where we are going is Cristina Kirchner (...) and, she will make decisions whenever she wants, not when the opposition or the markets want”.

27.04.2023 12:58


What will Cristina Kirchner's masterful talk be like at the Teatro Argentino de La Plata

The act headed by the vice president will begin at 6:00 p.m. Photo: Télam/archive.

Vice President Cristina Kirchner will give a masterful talk this afternoon, within the framework of the launch of the Néstor Kirchner Justicialista School (EJNK), at the Teatro Argentino de La Plata.

Sources from the organization told the Télam agency that, as the presence of some 20,000 militants is expected, screens will be set up outside the theater so that they can follow the ex-president's speech from 6:00 p.m.

In a statement, it was indicated from the EJNK that the keynote talk entitled "April 27, 2003-2023. Circular Argentina. The IMF and its historic recipe for inflation and recession. Political fragmentation and economic concentration" will be held at the complex located in Calle 51 between 9 and 10 of the Buenos Aires capital.

27.04.2023 12:25

12:25 p.m.

Hugo Yasky: "Her word will guide us"

"Most people want to see measures that begin to solve everyday problems," said Yasky. Photo: Ignacio Blanco/Los Andes.

The national deputy of the Frente de Todos, Hugo Yasky, declared this Thursday that the official coalition awaits the speech of the vice president, Cristina Kirchner, to define what the electoral strategy will be for the presidential elections this year.

"Her word will guide us at this time when, in addition to having inflation and responding to the popular sectors, we are two months away from having to define the presidential formula," Yasky said about the talk that will be given this afternoon by the former president in La Plata.

“There are still two months left for the registration of the formula and we are in the middle of a situation in which what most people want is to see government measures that, in addition to trying to stop the escalation of speculators, begin to solve daily problems ”, added the general secretary of the Central de Trabajadores de Argentina during an interview on FM La Patriada.

27.04.2023 11:49


Aníbal Fernández warmed up the previous to the act of Cristina Kirchner: "The ban does not exist, I do not know what advantage is sought"

The Security Minister, Aníbal Fernández, one of the staunch defenders of the president of Alberto Fernández, warmed up the preview of the reappearance of Cristina Kirchner by assuring that "the ban does not exist."

"La situación es esa, la proscripción no existe. No está proscripta, no sé qué quisieron hacer, siempre aparecen esas expresiones antojadizas que no sé la ventaja que se busca", expresó en diálogo con CNN. Leer más acá

27.04.2023 11:13


El anuncio del acto de CFK

27.04.2023 10:08


Federico Mayol

"El Frente de Todos menos uno": Cristina cierra filas con Massa para armar la campaña y deja a Alberto fuera de juego

El Frente de Todos menos uno". Así definió en estas horas, en la previa de la reaparición pública de Cristina Kirchner en La Plata, uno de los organizadores del lanzamiento de la escuela de formación política que el kirchnerismo y el massismo oficializarán este jueves como punto de partida del diseño de la campaña electoral que aún no tiene estrategia ni candidatos pero sí una sola certeza: quieren prescindir de Alberto Fernández y los colaboradores que todavía le responden.

"Now they are Cristina and Sergio (Massa)," a source who participates in the assembly of the Néstor Kirchner Justicialista School, the brand new think tank that the former President will present this Thursday at the Teatro Argentino de La Plata, assured this newspaper, an excuse to his keynote talk entitled "Circular Argentina, the IMF and its historical recipe for inflation and recession", in a more than particular context.

In the midst of the renegotiation of the Minister of Economy with the Monetary Fund.

More information here.