The Limited Times

Def: majority, consider raising minimum pensions. Question time live

4/27/2023, 11:25:33 AM

Question time from 1.30 pm with Tajani, Giorgetti, Casellati, Pichetto LIVE. The examination in the Chamber is underway. In the majority resolution to the Def: 'Continue on the wedge, spending on sectors with more potential'. Resolution of Pd-M5s and Avs to be examined by the Senate: 'Commitments to the government on inflation, jobs, ecological transition' (ANSA)

The examination of the Def.

The resolutions, one of which requires an absolute majority, will be voted on by the Montecitorio Assembly in the afternoon, after the question time.

The general discussion is being held this morning, at the end of which the government representative will intervene.

With the intervention of the rapporteur Nicola Calandrini, the examination of the Def began in the Senate.

Under consideration by the House, three resolutions concerning the government's commitments in view of the next budget maneuver and as many reports to Parliament on the budget variance (the latter require an absolute majority vote of the members).

The resolutions are proposed by the majority, a joint one signed by Pd, M5s and Avs and another by the third pole alone.

Voting is expected around 4pm.

The majority commits the government to "evaluate, within the possible budget space available for the next manoeuvre, an intervention in the matter of raising minimum pensions".

This can be read in the majority resolution to the Def.

The document also commits the executive to "continue to reduce the tax wedge" and "to evaluate the reallocation of public spending from sectors that have a low impact on growth to those that can increase its potential, considering that from The increase in GDP can have a positive impact on all public finance indicators".

Resolution of Pd-M5s and Avs under examination by the Senate

- Almost all of the opposition - that is, Pd, M5s and Avs, excluding only the Third Pole - have signed a resolution on the Def, being examined by the Senate hall which is discussing the Economic and Financial Document.

Long list of commitments asked of the government.

At the first point, Italy is asked to agree in Europe "common policies and instruments of intervention aimed at preventing the persistence of inflation from having negative effects on social inequality".

Other interventions concern the support of the "level of wages and the purchasing power of wages, primarily through the structural reduction of the tax wedge on labor costs", the guarantee that "

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