The Limited Times

Pre-trip 4: last two days to load the vouchers

4/27/2023, 12:31:45 PM

The deadline for uploading tickets expires on April 28, or earlier if the budget is exhausted. The opportunity to take advantage of Previaje 4 and obtain a refund of 50% of tourism expenses in the form of credit is about to expire: the deadline for purchasing travel and tourism products expired on April 25, but until Friday 28 there is a deadline to upload the receipts and obtain a credit to use in new tourist consumption. And the term of the 28th could be even shorter if the budget grante

The opportunity to take advantage of

Previaje 4 and obtain a refund of 50% of tourism expenses in the form of credit is about to expire: the deadline for purchasing travel and tourism products expired on April 25, but


Friday 28 there is a deadline to upload the receipts

and obtain a credit to use in new tourist consumption.

And the term of the 28th

could be even shorter

if the budget granted to the new edition of the Previaje is exhausted before: until this Thursday the 27th at 9 am,

86% of the total had already been used

, and when it reaches 100% it will end the possibility of uploading new vouchers and thus accessing the benefits of the program.

It should be remembered that you can upload travel vouchers that will take place between May 24 and June 30, 2023.

Budget available for Previaje: as of April 27 at 9 am, 86% was used.

Photo Capture

The deadline for uploading vouchers at

will thus be in force for approximately one week, a period in which vouchers for tickets, hotel stays, excursions, packages and other tourist services can be uploaded, and after validating the themselves, access the benefit, which consists of a refund in the form of a credit of 50% of what was spent, and up to 70% for members of PAMI.

One of the novelties of this edition is that the official website of the program included a "

budget counter

": when the clock reaches 100%, it will mean that the budget allocated to the program has been reached, and no more receipts can be loaded. .

The novelty is officially explained on the web, among the frequently asked questions.

A getaway to the Iguazú Falls.

Photo Tourism of Misiones

"As of 04/19, a graph will be displayed on the website that will indicate the consumed percentage of the budget allocated to this edition of the Program. According to Article 6, paragraph "b" of the Program Regulations, when the graph reaches 100% means that the budget allocated to the Program has been used in its entirety. As a consequence, the registration of beneficiaries will be closed and it will not be possible to continue uploading vouchers. If you already uploaded your voucher but it has not yet been validated, do not worry, since the restriction will apply exclusively for the loading of new vouchers".

At the time of writing this note, Thursday morning, the counter is at 17%.

In other words, the vouchers can be uploaded until April 28... or until the budget is exhausted, something that can happen before.

Budget counter in the lower area of ​​the Previaje website.

Photo Capture

Objective of the Pre-trip

Previaje 4 seeks to distribute the demand of national tourism in order to strengthen tourism activity in

low season


What is the benefit for the traveler

When buying at agencies or providers participating in the program and uploading these receipts on the official website, a credit equivalent to

50% of the amount of each tourist service purchase operation they carry out is obtained.

Who can participate

The program

is for people over the age of 18 residing in the country.

The colors of Purmamarca, Jujuy.

Photo Shutterstock.

They must have CUIT or CUIL, and their identification is done through the Mi Argentina Level 3 app.

Registered providers

It is important to note that you can only obtain the Advance Travel benefit with advance purchases made with

registered tourist providers

, invoiced and paid in full.

Ushuaia, one of the most chosen destinations.

Air and bus tickets

Purchases of regular

cabotage air transportation

services made directly from the service provider, as well as regular long-distance land transportation services under national jurisdiction, will be credited using the ticket or travel ticket issued by the provider.

Amounts to take into account

Purchases (and receipts) for a total amount of less than $1,000 will not generate benefits or participate in the program.

To access the benefit, the

minimum amount

that must be credited for one or more advance purchases is $10,000.

Wineries and vineyards at the foot of the Cordillera, in Mendoza.

Photo: Salentein winery

The maximum amount of credit that a beneficiary can receive is $


and, once that amount is reached, they will no longer be able to generate credit or benefit again.

To consider

Previaje aims at the development of national tourism.

For this reason, purchases of services to be rendered or developed totally or partially outside the national territory cannot participate in the program.

Nor are benefits obtained by contracting accommodation services located in the same town of residence of the beneficiary.

Purchases of wholesale services are not counted, nor are those made under the "payment at destination" modality, nor are temporary rentals of houses, apartments or rooms for domestic use or for housing.

Previaje does not accept cash payments, only with cards, transfers or the BNA app

PAMI retirees

PAMI retirees


obtain recognition of 70% of the total amount accredited for advance purchases.

When can the credit be used?

The money in the form of credit is available for use from the date of the start of the purchased trip and until October 31 of this year.

It can be used throughout the country. 

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