The Limited Times

Tips for garden lovers: How to optimally care for your lawn in spring

4/27/2023, 5:55:53 PM

In spring, the garden often has some catching up to do - especially the lawn often suffers from the winter temperatures. But those who become active now can soon look forward to a green meadow.

In spring, the garden often has some catching up to do - especially the lawn often suffers from the winter temperatures.

But those who become active now can soon look forward to a green meadow.

Munich – Spring is finally here: The leaves on the trees are growing in competition, the sun is shining and the first flowers are blooming – only the color of the lawn is still a little dull.

But that need not be!

If you start looking after your lawn now, you will have lush green grass even in the summer months.

Lawn care in spring: You should do that now

There's also spring cleaning in the garden: the lawn should be freed from all foreign objects - stones, debris, twigs, leaves and everything else that's hidden in the grass and doesn't belong there.

You should pay close attention to where there is a lot of weed and moss that needs to be scarified and overseed.

Home remedies such as coffee grounds can also help with weeds.

After that, the sequence of activities is particularly important: mowing, fertilizing, scarifying and then overseeding.

Ten gardening chores to do in spring

Ten gardening chores to do in spring

Garden care in spring: what is important when mowing?

Better a little later than too early.

Exactly when the lawn has to be mowed for the first time varies from region to region - a rule of thumb is: when the early bloomers are in bloom is a good time.

The cutting height varies depending on the type of lawn, but in general the lawn can remain about 1 to 2 centimeters longer after the winter, according to the specialist magazine


If the lawn is cut too short, the grass can burn.

Therefore, a third of the stalks should be cut off at best, but never more than half.

From the third mowing onwards, you can then mow to the usual height.


For a beautiful lawn after the winter - that's important now...

© Design Pics/Imago

Lawn care in spring: when should you fertilize?

Depending on the type of soil, the weather and the type of fertilizer, the time for fertilizing varies after the winter.

A good time is at the beginning of the vegetation phase, i.e. from the beginning of March.

Most long-term mineral or organic fertilizers release nutrients for three to four months.

In some cases, you can even make your own fertilizer.

In addition, the following should be considered when fertilizing, as


  • Proceed carefully and carefully when dosing: Only about 1g per 1 liter of irrigation water - because over-fertilization can lead to the stalks drying out.

  • Fertilize large lawns with a fertilizer spreader.

    This will prevent burns and make sure everything is fertilized.

  • Because the nutrients introduced are only absorbed in liquid form, you should fertilize while it is raining or is expected to rain - otherwise water the lawn after fertilizing.

There should be a three to four week break between fertilizing and scarifying, as the lawn has to recover from the fertilization.

Sanding can be used to loosen the soil after scarifying.

At the end comes the overseeding.


Rubric list image: © Design Pics/Imago