The Limited Times

“Why Macron fears an independence victory in Polynesia”

4/28/2023, 5:25:56 PM

ANALYSIS – For the first time, the separatists are preparing to benefit from a comfortable majority for five years.

It is the other independence front that the executive fears.

Two years after New Caledonia, French Polynesia could fall into the fold of supporters of a separation from France on Sunday, after the second round of territorial elections.

In this archipelago of 280,000 inhabitants, spread over an area the size of Europe, the deputy (Nupes) Moetai Brotherson seems to be at the gates of power since his list dominated the first round (34.9% of the vote), on April 16 .

A disappointment for Emmanuel Macron, who saw his local ally Édouard Fritch, outgoing autonomist president (30.46%), relegated to second place ahead of another autonomist, Nuihau Laurey (14.53%).

For the first time, the separatists are preparing to benefit from a comfortable majority for five years.

To them, they hope, the power to manage the local Assembly and the government with broad powers - apart from the police, justice, diplomacy or even the university, the responsibility of France -...

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