The Limited Times

May 1 parade: the last stand of the unions?

4/28/2023, 5:26:07 PM

ANALYSIS – The centrals are counting on a show of force before a new round of negotiations which could precipitate their disunity.

The secretary general of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, wants to

"break the house"

, his counterpart of the CGT, Sophie Binet, promises a

"historic mobilization"

while the Insoumis Manuel Bompard anticipates a

"tidal wave"

in the streets.

The executive is notified.

If he dreams of turning the page on pension reform, he will be plunged back into social conflict throughout this long weekend.

The final of the French Football Cup on Saturday evening will set the tone.

As custom requires, the Head of State will go to the Stade de France (Seine-Saint-Denis).

But unions and opposition promise to transform the sporting event into a political meeting.

Whistles and red cards could be distributed around the stadium so that the supporters show their rejection of the text during the match.

Éric Coquerel, the LFI deputy of the department, who has the right to a place in the presidential gallery, assures that he will brandish his card… The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, who is surprised…

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