The Limited Times

The RN chooses Le Havre for its traditional gathering

4/28/2023, 5:43:51 PM

DECRYPTION – This year, Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella hear about "work and social". “ Jeanne, help!” It was on this cry from the heart, launched by a Jean-Marie Le Pen all dressed in red, that ended, in 2015, one of the last significant May Day rallies for the National Front. Dismissed from the platform by his daughter, the founder of the party - who will be excluded from the movement a few days later - had come to disrupt the traditional tribute paid to Joan of Arc, place des P

Jeanne, help!”

It was on this cry from the heart, launched by a Jean-Marie Le Pen all dressed in red, that ended, in 2015, one of the last significant May Day rallies for the National Front.

Dismissed from the platform by his daughter, the founder of the party - who will be excluded from the movement a few days later - had come to disrupt the traditional tribute paid to Joan of Arc, place des Pyramides, while Marine Le Pen paraded, surrounded by around sixty newly elected departmental councillors.

Since then, water has flowed under the bridges.

Two second rounds of the presidential election have passed through there for the now National Rally, and this Monday, May 1, it is in Le Havre, a former communist stronghold and stronghold of Édouard Philippe, that the flame party has chosen to renew with its old tradition.

Read alsoThe National Rally will celebrate “the nation” on May 1 in Le Havre

Work and social

Of Joan of Arc, however, there will be no more question.

This year, Marine Le Pen, president of the RN group in the Assembly, and Jordan Bardella, president of the party, hear about…

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