The Limited Times

This is how La Plata was left after Cristina Kirchner's act: "They dirty and vandalized everything in their path"

4/28/2023, 3:26:05 PM

It was indicated by the Secretary of Government of the La Plata Municipality, Marcelo Leguizamón. Less than 24 hours after Vice President Cristina Kirchner held an activity at the Teatro Argentino de La Plata, the La Plata mayor's office, led by Julio Garro, affirmed this Friday that the Kirchner militants "vandalized everything in their path." " They dirty and vandalized everything in their path ," said the Secretary of Government of the Municipality of La Plata, Marcelo Leguizamón , who exp

Less than 24 hours after Vice President Cristina Kirchner held an activity at the Teatro Argentino de La Plata, the La Plata mayor's office, led by Julio Garro, affirmed this Friday that the Kirchner militants "vandalized everything in their path."


They dirty and vandalized everything in their path

," said the Secretary of Government of the Municipality of La Plata,

Marcelo Leguizamón

, who explained that more than 150 municipal employees carried out sanitation and cleaning tasks in the downtown area of ​​the city.

Along these lines, the leader of Together for Change explained: "Not only did they cause traffic chaos throughout the day, but they also did not care that the city got dirty and that the storm drains were covered with papers



More than 150 municipal employees carried out sanitation and cleaning tasks in the microcenter of the city.


They even vandalized fronts of houses

," Leguizamón said in a statement, referring to the Kirchner militancy that met in the vicinity of the La Plata theater to follow the speech of the head of the Senate through giant screens.

The former president held a "master class" within the framework of the launch of the Néstor Kirchner Justicialista School, an initiative organized by various sectors of the ruling coalition, which was presented by the former Minister of Education of the Nation, Nicolás Trotta.

Municipal employees carried out sanitation and cleaning tasks in the vicinity of the Teatro Argentino de La Plata.

After the Kirchner activity, the La Plata mayor questioned that "more than a hundred municipal agents should be affected by the sweeping, cleaning and collection operation that took place after the political act."

The operation involved an "intense deployment" in the vicinity of the theater to "restore order and cleanliness of the public thoroughfare, leaving the streets and sidewalks in good condition for merchants, street vendors, and passers-by."

From La Plata's mayor's office they questioned that "more than a hundred agents of the Municipality.

As they detailed, "a significant amount of waste was found, some of which clogged storm drains and storm drains."

The cleaning tasks, which took place between Thursday night and Friday morning, were carried out "with greater intensity in the grid comprised of 7th and 13th avenues from 49th to 55th streets; while, outside the quadrant, the areas where it was necessary were surveyed and intervened".

The cleaning tasks were carried out "with greater intensity in the grid between 7th and 13th avenues from 49th to 55th streets".

On this occasion, sweepers from the Esur company and the Municipality were involved in the cleaning operation, together with groups from different areas.

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