The Limited Times

Vladimir Putin threatens to expel Ukrainians from annexed regions

4/28/2023, 7:49:52 PM

According to a decree signed by the Russian president on Thursday April 27, Ukrainians from annexed territories who have not received their Russian passports by July 1, 2024 may be expelled.

A brutal decision.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree Thursday, April 27, threatening Ukrainians with expulsion from territories annexed by Moscow.

The decree defines the means for citizens of the Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhia regions to obtain Russian citizenship.

The text then specifies that all Ukrainians who have not obtained a Russian passport by July 1, 2024 will be considered foreigners and may therefore be expelled from their homes.

To discover

  • Follow information on the war in Ukraine with the Figaro application

Hunt opponents

This measure also concerns residents of Crimea, annexed in 2014. Until now, it was however possible to keep a Ukrainian passport in Crimea.

An escalation which does not guarantee these new citizens the same rights as Russians by birth.

Russians whose nationality is "


" could indeed easily lose it if they were to violate various provisions of the Penal Code, recalls

Le Monde


A possible provision since the adoption of the "

citizenship law

" on April 18.

Read alsoStalinist condemnation of Russian opponent Vladimir Kara-Mourza

And that's not all.

The decree also authorizes the expulsion from these annexed territories of persons who present a

"threat to national security"

, who

"participate in prohibited demonstrations"


"support a violent change in the constitutional order"

or even

"finance a extremist or terrorist activity”.

The Kremlin is thus tightening its grip on those it considers


The Russian president signed another decree on Friday that increases prison sentences for acts of "

high treason".


They will now be liable to life imprisonment.

Those found guilty of sabotage can be sentenced to 20 years in prison compared to 15 currently.