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This distinguishes top performers: ten signs that you are above average

4/30/2023, 10:14:46 AM

What qualities does an above-average employee actually have to have? The following list enumerates the most important features. 

What qualities does an above-average employee actually have to have?

The following list enumerates the most important features. 

Good employees work diligently through their to-do lists, show up to meetings on time and are team players.

However, that alone does not distinguish an exceptional employee.

If you really want to leave a lasting positive impression in your company, you have to work a little harder.

The following points show what makes an above-average employee.

1. Courage to change

Extraordinary employees are not afraid to question the status quo.

Instead of sticking to instructions, they bring their own ideas to the work.

Their drive for constant improvement often leads to innovative ideas from which companies can only benefit in the long run.

The companies, in turn, have the responsibility of encouraging employees to continue to contribute ideas. 

2. Team spirit comes first

As important as it is that companies give their employees space to develop freely: When a particular challenge arises, everyone should pull together.

In times of crisis, eccentricities have no place.

It is precisely then that nobody should push themselves to the fore in meetings.

Above-average employees know when team spirit is required and when they can be more individualistic.


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3. Flexibility is not a problem

Smaller companies in particular need employees who approach tasks independently and with commitment.

High-performing employees do not strictly adhere to their job description or job title, but actively seek solutions to problems.

Even if a task doesn't necessarily match their own qualifications, they work flat out to master it.

4. Be generous with praise

Ambitious employees often work twice as hard to get praise from their boss.

However, some are influenced by competitive thinking: whoever is more favored by the team leader gets the coveted position in the end.

In the long run, however, employees will damage their company.

Exceptional employees support their colleagues and are generous with positive feedback.

You recognize and promote the strengths of your teammates and have no problem with praising them for good performance.

5. Clear communication

Introverted employees often have problems expressing their opinions or asking questions in large and small groups.

It is precisely these things that characterize a valuable employee.

He takes responsibility for others and acts as a spokesman for the group to bring forward investing.

This sets him apart from the other employees and at the same time proves he is a leader.

6. Criticism is accepted

Highly qualified employees often mistakenly think that they are above criticism.

But that is exactly what can become a problem.

Those who cannot accept constructive feedback automatically give away the opportunity to improve their performance.

Even if it's hard to hear criticism, be grateful to your manager for giving you the chance to work on your weaknesses.

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7. Intuition for sensitive topics

Problems in the company must be addressed openly, otherwise they will only get worse.

However, above-average employees know that large groups are unsuitable for this.

It is better to address sensitive topics in private conversations.

This ensures a better working atmosphere.

8. Your boss can count on you

Reliability and trust come first, especially when you are in close contact with your manager.

If you meet deadlines at all times and keep important information confidential, your boss will know he can count on you.

9. Good relationship with colleagues

Lone wolves can have good ideas and provide constructive feedback, but in the long run a company benefits from lively exchanges within the team.

Committed employees strive for positive relationships with their colleagues and embody values ​​such as respect and friendliness.

In doing so, they contribute to better morale and team performance.  

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10. Clear drive

For motivated employees, their work is more than just a job to pay the monthly rent.

She is driven by an inner hunger for knowledge.

Their work fills employees with a sense of deep satisfaction and purpose.

As a result, they tackle their daily tasks with particular commitment and ambition.

Companies should take care to offer their employees sufficient opportunities for growth.

List of rubrics: © IMAGO