The Limited Times

Undressing breakdown with "Let's Dance" star Christian Polanc "Otherwise it doesn't happen to me"

4/30/2023, 4:44:51 PM

Pure emotions and lots of tears: The ninth "Let's Dance" episode had it all. The freestyle by Sharon Battiste and Christian Polanc was not entirely flawless.

Pure emotions and lots of tears: The ninth "Let's Dance" episode had it all.

The freestyle by Sharon Battiste and Christian Polanc was not entirely flawless.

Cologne – The ninth "Let's Dance" episode was probably the most emotional of the season, because the motto was "Magic Moments".

But with ex-Bachelorette Sharon Battiste (31) and professional dancer Christian Polanc (44), not everything went according to plan.

When Motsi Mabuse (42) criticized the mistake, the "Let's Dance" professional took the blame.

"Let's Dance": Sharon Battiste fights back tears after the performance

"My 'magic moment' is that I won the fight against my disease, circular hair loss," said Sharon Battiste before her performance.

"I'm proud of myself, but the path wasn't the easiest.

These bald patches you find used to panic me every day,” she recalls with tears in her eyes.

A little later Sharon and Christian conjured up a freestyle of contemporary, rumba, tango argentino, paso doble and jive to "Cant' Help Falling in Love" by Elvis Presley on the dance floor.

After her performance, Sharon immediately cried.

But with all the emotions, some mistakes crept in with the two, as "Let's Dance" juror Motsi Mabuse criticized.

Christian takes the blame and counters with a slippery spell.

Already knew?

RTL tried "Let's Dance" offshoots with children

In 2021, the little ones on RTL also got the chance to sweep across the dance floor: In May 2021, four episodes of "Let's Dance - Kids" were launched, which could definitely keep up with the original in terms of cast.

As in the main program, Daniel Hartwich and Victoria Swarovski moderated, and the jury of Joachim Llambi, Motsi Mabuse and Jorge González was also on board.

However, the show did not make it to television.

It ran on RTL's streaming platform RTL+ (then TVNow).

Undressing breakdown with "Let's Dance" star Christian Polanc: "Otherwise it doesn't happen to me" 

“You can see that every story moves people.

I'm 100 percent sure that the story will also inspire someone," says Motsi Mabuse.

But in terms of dancing, Sharon and Christian's freestyle was not entirely clean.

"The Paso Doble and the turns were completely danced," she criticizes.

But “Let's Dance” professional Christian Polanc interrupts the juror right away and takes the blame:

“I have to apologize.

I was too stupid to take off the dress".

Motsi Mabuse has to smile and replies: "It can happen.

Men forget to take off their clothes...".

"It doesn't happen to me that often," Christian shoots right back.

All three judges then have to laugh at this slippery counterattack.


Pure emotions and lots of tears: The ninth "Let's Dance" episode had it all.

The freestyle by Sharon Battiste and Christian Polanc was not entirely flawless.


© RTL/Let's Dance – Episode 9 from April 28, 2023

Unfortunately, Sharon had to say goodbye a little later.

The ex-Bachelorette has received the fewest calls from viewers and is no longer allowed to dance next week.

Anna Ermakova, on the other hand, once again delighted the "Let's Dance" jury and the audience.

Boris Becker's daughter is said to receive the season's highest fee for her participation.

Sources used:

RTL/Let's Dance – Episode 9 from April 28, 2023

List of rubrics: © RTL/Let's Dance – Episode 9 from April 28, 2023

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