The Limited Times

Cristina's belt and the dementia game

5/1/2023, 11:38:53 PM

In La Plata, Cristina criticized the owner of Louis Vuitton, who "sells to the world's rich." In 2021, she wore a $710 belt by that brand in the Senate, as well as her purse.

They say that it was Robert Louis Stevenson who said that


is the only profession for which

it is not considered necessary to have any preparation


It is seen that many, in this Argentina 2023, took it to the letter.

The subject goes well beyond the possession of a series of specific knowledge.

Any psychology manual could explain it.

A person who has reached

emotional maturity

does not lose control of their emotions: whether they are positive or negative, they accept them, learn to deal with them and manage them, avoid acting viscerally and also prevent them from guiding their behavior.

Otherwise, he could become a being dominated by resentment, and prone to making decisions driven by anger, rage and anger.

Someone emotionally mature takes

responsibility for their own actions

and assumes the consequences, without blaming anyone for it.

Aware of his strengths and weaknesses, he carries himself

with poise, is respectful, and does not try to push his views

of him over others.

Empathy, that ability to put oneself in another's place and exercise understanding, is one of the fundamental characteristics of someone who has reached a stage of emotional maturity.

From another discipline, those who study political leadership mention Servant Leadership as desirable or a model to implement, that is,

leadership based on service

, in this case, serving the community, sacrificing, if applicable, the own interests.

In other words, prioritize, above their own, the needs, development and interests of the society they govern.

Starting with an article by Clive Boddy entitled “Psychopathy screening for public leadership”, various analysts go further and even raise a debate on the need to

submit candidates

for public office to a

psychological evaluation

to rule out psychopathic traits.

Let's go back to Argentina 2023, where on a daily basis those responsible for running the reins of the country give ample evidence of being quite far from the emotional maturity and capabilities required for the positions they hold.

In the act of Thursday in La Plata,

Cristina Kirchner

, at the time Vice President of the Republic, that is, a member of the Executive Branch in office, spoke again

as if she were not part of the Government

that she integrates.

She once again launched against the IMF in the middle of negotiations between Buenos Aires and Washington, she asked to advance in the formation of "government programs" and in a very clear allusion to her running mate, at the time President, Alberto


, launched: “What happens is that later they pay with the dollars that should be dedicated to the industry to sustain economic activity to pay debt.

Of course it could have been avoided (...) This is the problem of wanting to govern and conform to everyone, in the end you end up making everyone angry”, to finish off with

a classic: his invented proscription.

Cristina's thing was presented as a

master class


If the vice president, today in government, is so clear about the concepts and formulas to move the country forward, why does

n't she apply them in the management

of which she is a leading part?

Once again, she chose to play the dementia game.

In addition to not taking responsibility, trying to appear safe and the owner of the truth, she revealed the fear and concern that Javier Milei generates in her, when he took it against the La libertad Avanza candidate, without naming him, but calling him a "disciple (of Cavallo) also with light eyes”, “


”, and calling him “

a jerk

who goes around saying that the caste is afraid, what are you coming to fuck with me, where are we afraid of you, cheeky?”.

Out of time, and no less interesting because it reveals its flagrant contradictions, Cristina spoke of the “

richest man in the world

” in relation to “financial capitalism”, which she described as “

far from reality


Pointing out that its existence "means a deepening and concentration of income in the highest classes", the criticism was directed at

Bernard Arnault

, whom she defined as "the owner of the

brands that sells to the world's rich


One of those brands is Louis Vuitton.

And one of the "rich in the world" to whom Arnault sells his products is... Cristina Kirchner.

In October 2021, on the return to face-to-face sessions in the Senate, after the interruption imposed by the pandemic, the vice president appeared on the premises wearing a Louis Vuitton belt, priced at US$710. Converted to the blue dollar at that time, It was around $130,000.

Today, with the parallel at $469 according to Friday's close, the price would be at $332,990.

And she was seen several times with

handbags from the same house and also from Dior

, belonging to the same business group.

The good thing is that, finally, Cristina assumes herself as the rich woman that she is.

And, by the way, she clearly exposes the magnitude of the story, which reaches the wardrobe.

Do what I say, but not what I do...

His running mate, that is, the


, does not give up in his effort to show his

own detachment from reality


Last Monday, when the dollar was in an upward race towards the stratosphere, he had no better idea than to go to the house of the journalist Mex Urtizberea,

inverting all the logic of a report to the president

, which implies that he is the one who receives the journalist. in question - to give an interview not about the scope of the crisis, the measures to be implemented or how to reassure a society in a state of perpetual anguish and uncertainty, but to make various confessions.

Like how he would love Robert De Niro to play him in the movies or how he doesn't even have time for a Sunday nap.

And here comes another pearl: in the report she said that


(Yáñez, her partner) had


the day before

that he take a nap

with her, to slow down the rhythm a bit.

Yesterday, and as a result of the photo that Diego Santilli uploaded to the networks showing the blow he received in the gym while training, the

First Lady

had no better idea than

to reply on Instagram

: “That's great.

I don't even have time to train

... What luck”.

What was intended to be ironic - it is not understood what she will be so busy with - turned against Yáñez: in the messages they responded, among many other things, that

nevertheless she did have time to be on Instagram


Let's add that, judging by what was declared by her own husband, she also has it to take a nap.

Something that nobody would criticize if she had not taken the lead with her response to Santilli.

Once again, the game of dissociation and parallel universes in full.

Going back to the beginning of this column, you can do anything with reality except deny it.

It is what it is.

look too

The PRO divides again: now, for the presidential candidacy of José Luis Espert

look too

The choice that will win fear