The Limited Times

Guillaume Tabard: "After the retreats, Le Pen also moves on to other fights"

5/1/2023, 7:02:49 PM

COUNTERPOINT – Although having placed her speech in Le Havre under the sign of Labor Day, she only mentioned pension reform once during her long speech.

There was the flop of the “red card” operation at the Stade de France on Saturday.

There was, this May 1st, the more than relative success of the "unitary" demonstrations, far from having filled up the numbers announced too hastily by the unions - and not only because of the rain.

Slowly, gradually, France is turning the page on pensions and moving on.

Not as quickly as the executive would like, which is struggling to give both content and coherence to its immediate "hundred days", not to mention the next four years.

But faster than Jean-Luc Mélenchon would like, who, in an expeditious speech contrary to his habits, warned, but as if for form, that “we will

recover retirement at 60”


Not as quickly as Emmanuel Macron would need, who knows that it will take a long time to recover the lost popularity points for him, and for France the optimal rating from the rating agencies.

But more than the unions would like...

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