The Limited Times

Juntos economic summit, the internal Scioli vs. Massa and millionaire fine to Randazzo's PJ

5/1/2023, 11:02:53 PM

Juntos economic summit, the internal Scioli vs. Massa and millionaire fine to Randazzo's PJ

We are waiting for you in Congress (from the opposition to the Government)

Embedded in the campaign, the opposition caciques have paused to be this Tuesday at the Emperador hotel, at the

summit of the opposition parties of Cambiemos

with their economists


They are drunk with optimism, because their opponents of Peronism admit that they are going to a defeat.

No one assures that this will happen, but if they themselves admit it...

Nothing in politics is set in stone.

The leaders of the coalition are pleased to debate positions, facing elections in which they do not doubt so much about the votes as about the climate that the future government will have.

The more moderate economists of the force, those who reject the theory of certain hawks, who maintain that they would inherit a bomb (with a short or long fuse), seem

more concerned than 6 months ago

by the government's mistakes in economic matters.

Some come to this presentation of proposals with alternative plans, such as those that would call for a collapse with an early election.

Others are concerned about building a model for the opposition's response to the eventual collapse, which does not hold them responsible for doing more damage, by action or omission.

What will surely come out of there is

a message to the Government

that, for any agreement or transition, they have to go to Congress.

Creole dramas are not proof of Argentina's exceptionality.

On the afternoon of this Monday, the Treasury Secretary of the re-eligible Joe Biden warned that, if the debt numbers are not adjusted, the

United States will fall into default next June


"Given current projections, it is imperative that Congress act as soon as possible to raise or suspend the debt limit in a way that provides longer-term certainty that the government will continue to make its payments," said Ms Yellen.

How will Cristina be when she finds out.

Pause in the campaign to talk about money

Candidates and heads of legislative blocs are invited.

Some will be by zoom, like the UCR economist

Eduardo Levy Yeyati


Each candidate brings his economist.

Yeyati goes for



Hernán Lacunza


Horacio Rodríguez Larreta


Juan Carlos Sánchez Arnau


Miguel Pichetto


Luciano Laspina


Patricia Bullrich


Elisa Carrió

goes with the economist

Matías Surt

, a NIC (born and raised) of the Coalition, a product of the Hanna Arendt Institute.

Facundo Manes

promotes another debut in the big leagues.

He goes with

Martín Rapetti

, Diego Bossio's partner in the Equilibra consultancy.

Rapetti is friendly with the doctor and does not have a political format like his partner Bossio, today with the jacket of Juan Schiaretti's alternative Peronism.

Humberto Schiavoni

zooms out, committed as he is to the campaign in Misiones, where Miguel Pichetto was this Monday.

Patricia Bullrich will make an effort to be there, even if it is by zoom, because at the same time of the meeting she has to travel to Misiones.

Alfredo Cornejo

apologized for his trip to the United States, and promises to zoom: the senator and head of the Cambiemos interblock is invited, along with Schiavoni and Pichetto, to a round table in Washington at the Inter-American Dialogue.

Pichetto said that it does not arrive.

He will miss the other Dialogue activity, which is a

debate between Jorge Argüello and Ambassador Marc Stanley


In the meeting of economists, Morales is the manager of the meeting – he got the Emperador hotel – and he also takes a break in his campaign in Jujuy.

He does not have re-election, but he heads the list of conventional constituents of his province.

His presidential candidacy for the UCR will depend on the result.

Against the single list

Some course of the ruling party can gain clarity in another high-flying dialogue.

It is the one that Daniel Scioli

undertakes this Tuesday

– the only one who is perceived in public as a presidential candidate – together with

Alberto Fernández, Agustín Rossi, Santiago Cafiero and Sergio Massa

heading to Brazil.

They are going to ask Lula for a hand in improving the financing of exports from that country to Argentina.

For the electoral agenda, which is the most important of all, that meeting between the ambassador and Alberto is vital.

Scioli hopes that the president fulfills the promise that there is indeed a STEP

within the ruling party.

As president of the party, Fernández can do a lot to dissolve the attempt of the Peronism of the AMBA that force impose a single formula and lists of candidates for legislators.

That attempt is the one that the AMBA leaders leak to the press, to turn the PASO of Peronism, once again, into a festival of the unicato.

Peronism is not fond of internal elections and, despite having invented the PASO, it eluded internal competition in the national order.

The only time they had an inmate was in 1988 between Carlos Menem and Antonio Cafiero


They were so scalded that they never repeated the method of resolving differences of that order at the polls.

In Buenos Aires, when they had to decide on the candidacy for governor in 2015, they went to a STEP between Julian Domínguez and Aníbal Fernández, which had

catastrophic effects on the generals


It is demonstrable that the defeat against Cambiemos in the presidential elections of that year was a consequence of the internal schism that produced that fight, in the largest district of Argentina.

place for minorities

Scioli perceives that the spirit of Peronism in his district is to advance in a single-formula nomination, and that

the name is Sergio Massa

, who enjoys the best favor of Cristinism these days.

Axel Kicillof cauterized Alberto's gestures to go for re-election.

The tool was to call STEP elections, but not the general ones.

He got Alberto to get off


The same partial call is now used by Kicillof to resist against those who wanted to make him jump up and put him as a candidate for president, in an election that Peronism itself believes it will lose.

That leaves Scioli and Massa as the contenders for that bid


Massa benefits from the support of those who want unique lists.

Daniel trusts in a wide internal election.

In the high-flying talk towards Brazil, he will try to convince the president to press (with the little force he has) at the PJ Congress on May 16 at the Ferro mini-stadium, so that there is an equitable electoral board, which


approve a regulation to ensure a better representation of minorities in the assembly mechanism of candidacies.

Until now, in the PASO it has been necessary for the minority to get 25% of the votes to enter the list mixer.

Scioli asks that this percentage go down

, so that it is more attractive to participate as a minority.

An alternative is to apply the d'Hont system as Together for Change does.

Distrust even the polls

For this claim against a fantasy STEP, Scioli has the speech in favor of the Cristina de Kirchner system.

The debate on his suspension dates from the beginnings of the current government.

The PJ already prepared in January 2020 a project to repeal the system created in 2010 by Néstor Kirchner


The Government tried to carry it out without luck in Congress.

The opposition stopped all the shortcuts to achieve it.

Cristina was never among the detractors.

Máximo Kirchner repeated the arguments that they were not going to repeal an invention of his father

From him.

But as the boss of the Buenos Aires PJ, in the 2021 legislative elections he imposed unique lists where he could.

The PJ lost the elections to Cambiemos, who promoted PASO in all the Buenos Aires districts where he could.

Scioli knows that if there are negotiated lists, two distorting elements are imposed: the largest districts and the false predictions of the polls.

The ambassador believes that the polls they are disseminating this year are directed according to the interests of those who hire them.

He also says that the system is not reliable throughout the world and cites the case of Brazil, where Jair Bolsonaro lost by one point, when the polls predicted a defeat by a much larger margin.

Look for a vice inside

Scioli confronts the chiefs of the district that he represents, Buenos Aires, regarding the method, but also regarding the casting.

In the formula that he intends to present in the PASO

he will include a leader of Peronism from the interior


Quite an effort, because the hinge that has always divided Peronism is the distance between the Peronism of Buenos Aires and the Peronism of the interior.

This division explains why no Buenos Aires cacique has reached the presidency;

that schism

buried the aspirations of Cafiero, Duhalde, Ruckauf, Solá, Scioli, and in 2019 those of Cristina


The search for the candidate from the interior will be carried out by Scioli in those regions where Peronism is strong, such as the northern provinces.

The other great region – the Conurbano – is the domain of Christianity.

The tandem of a man from the interior and another from AMBA was achieved by Peronism in 1989 with Menem-Duhalde.

Scioli adds

hints of self-esteem

: I am the man for the situation facing the country.

The opposition, he adds, is divided between those who want to blow up everything and the dollarizers.

I offer progress and investment, what I have done as ambassador in Brazil, continue.

The interior, Peronist or not, is tense by the electoral vertigo.

Next Sunday they vote for governor in Jujuy, Misiones and La Rioja


The result will qualify or disqualify whoever wins and loses in those local fights.

It will be a test of the campaign methodology.

Two-counter costume cast

Alberto already gave a hand by advancing the call for elections (decree last week).

He had, in the official schedule, until May 15 to do so.

He froze all the chimeras about new sets of dates

, something difficult because the changes require legislative decisions in which the opposition also plays.

This rushed call stopped impulses that were sprouting on the horizon, such as a possible revision of the prohibition on posting lists in the elections.

He prohibited them by a decree of Mauricio Macri in April 2019, at the request of María Eugenia Vidal.

It will continue like this.

Electoral ingenuity never rests, under the protection of a stable political system such as that of Argentina, led by two large political families, which have been repeated

in the results for more than 100 years

, despite the institutional interruptions that They wanted to refound the Republic.

These always failed and society once again made itself represented in those two political families, which today are concentrated in the Frente de Todos and in the Together for Change coalition.

The first expresses Peronism -30/32% of the votes- the second, non-Peronism - 40/42% of the votes.

The costumes are distributed at these two counters


This is the operating system on which the programs run, which are not so unpredictable either.

Great pagadiós in the PJ

The congresses of Peronism are the salt of political life and it is enough to remember the Odeones (1984) or the Lanús (2002), from which came the carnival of the neolemmas, which made president someone who had lost at the



This time there will be some claim to some insolvent absentee, and who also today has deputy privileges.

The electoral court imposed a fine of $6 million on the national PJ for somewhat loose expense reports

, carried out in the 2017 Buenos Aires senatorial elections. But that year, one would say, the PJ did not play in that category, because Cristina de Kirchner was a candidate for Citizen Unity (Partido de la Victoria, Kolina, Frente Grande and Encuentro por la Democracia, etc.).


the PJ did play, but with Florencio Randazzo as candidate

(with the Loyalty and Dignity Party, the Green Party, New Citizen Union, Federal Integration, Party for Social Progress, etc.).

Cristina, who won, has to pay the bill for Randazzo, who lost.

Oh, Florencio, Florencio.

How expensive is it.

He already made Peronism lose the 2015 elections when he did not want to be a candidate for governor of Buenos Aires, and precipitated the suicidal STEP between Julián and Aníbal.

look too

A survey confirms the fear of Cristina Kirchner and shows the Frente de Todos third for a STEP

Alberto Fernández's new challenge to Cristina Kirchner: he wants her to whiten her strategy for the STEP