The Limited Times

The insult to Nicole Neumann that would have caused Urcera's reaction and the sanction that the pilot could receive

5/1/2023, 9:32:51 PM

'Cuckold', his model girlfriend would have been told before the TC champion beat up the amateur who ended up in the hospital.

José Manuel Urcera heard that his wife was insulted.

He got off the skateboard he was riding around the pits and approached the man who had made the outburst.

The pilot shook his hand, as a sign that he wanted to greet him, and with the other gave him a fist bump.

The fan ended up on the floor, bleeding.

It all happened on Saturday afternoon, after the qualifying tests for the fifth date of Road Tourism.

The pilot returned to the pits on a skateboard and saw how a fan who was walking around after the end of the day spoke to him and his girlfriend, the model Nicole Neumann, on bad terms.

The journalist Juan Carlos Saavedra explained that the event happened late in the afternoon.

According to his account, the fan insulted him for the championship he achieved last year and for how he had started his relationship with Nicole Neumann.

It was then that Urcera did not hesitate to approach the fan and punch him.

But what was it that caused such a reaction from the pilot?

The man hit by Urcera on the ground.

According to the LAM program, hosted by Ángel de Brito, the man would have yelled "Cornuda" at Nicole Neumann, in addition to asking Urcera if he was going to attend the farewell of Poroto Fabián Cubero, his girlfriend's ex, followed by a series of expletives that angered the pilot.

"That's where Urcera gets angry, he hits him, with the bad luck that this man falls and hits his head against a grate that was on the floor. They took him to the hospital," said journalist Paula Varela.

After the violent event, the pilot continued on his way and the physically assaulted person ended up in the hospital where he decided to file a complaint.

Some witnesses also said that the motorist left as if he was unaware of the assault he had carried out.

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Urcera's aggression is added to that of Valentín Aguirre who, in the race that took place in El Calafate, took the cell phone of a fan who was filming him after being left out of the race.

After the bad moment, the situation was clarified and it was learned that it was a fan who was smiling nervously because he was close to his idol.

However, the pilot could not control his impotence for having been eliminated from the race.

Urcera was denounced by the fan attacked and, after the repercussion of the fact, the ACTC would take action on the matter.

He could get a fine and a suspension for a few races.