The Limited Times

A 10-year-old girl sexually assaulted in the toy department of a supermarket south of Lyon

5/2/2023, 4:03:20 PM

Wanted for a first sexual assault on a minor, a 45-year-old man was indicted on Friday April 29 after being filmed by the surveillance cameras of a Vienna supermarket in the process of imposing touching on a 10-year-old girl. years.

Le Figaro Lyon

The attack would have lasted long minutes between the stalls of the toy department.

A 45-year-old man was arrested on Thursday after being identified by surveillance cameras at a supermarket in Vienne, Isère, where he had forced a 10-year-old girl to engage in sexual touching a few days earlier. , according to information from the

Dauphiné Libéré

confirmed to Le



The Vienna public prosecutor's office opened a judicial investigation while the suspect was indicted the next day for two sexual assaults on 15-year-old minors.

The forties was indeed wanted for another sexual assault, which occurred in March, in a town in the area, a few kilometers south of Lyon.

This first store not having a camera, a robot portrait had been drawn up by the gendarmerie on the basis of the statements of the victim, another girl aged 9 this time, and broadcast.

Residing in Chavanay, in the neighboring Loire, the suspect was placed under strict judicial control.

He was unknown to the police.