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A national police stationed in Las Palmas accepts a five-year prison sentence for helping drug networks

5/2/2023, 3:09:35 PM

Another 24 people sit on the bench in a trial that started this Tuesday at the Provincial Court City of Justice of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. EUROPA PRESS (EUROPA PRESS) The agent of the National Police Fermín Carlos VR has accepted this Tuesday the prison sentence of five years and a fine of 3.2 million euros after pleading guilty to two crimes of drug trafficking. The convicted man was accused of collaborating from Gran Canaria with four criminal networks dedicated to introducing cocaine

City of Justice of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. EUROPA PRESS (EUROPA PRESS)

The agent of the National Police Fermín Carlos VR has accepted this Tuesday the prison sentence of five years and a fine of 3.2 million euros after pleading guilty to two crimes of drug trafficking.

The convicted man was accused of collaborating from Gran Canaria with four criminal networks dedicated to introducing cocaine and hashish and manufacturing doping substances, and is one of the 25 defendants that the Provincial Court of Las Palmas has been judging since Tuesday in a broad case called

Operation Fermin


The Public Prosecutor's Office, in this way, has reached agreements with 23 of the defenses of the 25 defendants.

The Public Ministry requested penalties ranging from five to 15 years in prison —as is the case with the agent— and the payment of fines that, added together, amounted to 217.2 million euros.

But the agreements have allowed the sentences requested for the defendants who have confessed guilty to be reduced to sentences ranging between one year and 11 months and five years and six months in prison.

In addition, the charge of belonging to a criminal organization has been withdrawn.

The trial, however, will continue on May 10 for the two defendants who do not acknowledge the facts attributed to them: having participated in the transfer of a cache of 1,270 kilos of hashish from Morocco to the coast of Castillo de Romeral (southeast coast of Gran Canaria), according to Efe.

More information

The Civil Guard dismantled a network that introduced hashish from Africa through Tenerife

Until his arrest in January 2020, Fermín VR was stationed at a police station in Maspalomas, in the south of Gran Canaria.

The fact that a national police officer was involved added complexity to the investigation into the case, which began in 2018. From this position, he collaborated with mafias that moved bales of hashish along the coast, others that tried to introduce cocaine through airports, and a third that manufactured substances.

The role of the ex-agent was key, since he was in charge of providing drug traffickers with data on the shipping routes that their caches had to follow so as not to be detected by radar and optronic systems with infrared cameras and videos and acoustic sensors. of the SIVE coastal surveillance system of the Civil Guard.

Thus, the prosecutor links it to three landings of hashish consignments in Gran Canaria.

One of them occurred in the town of Castillo del Romeral on July 11, 2018. Another of these movements occurred on July 25 on Veneguera beach (southwest coast, in the municipality of Mogán) and the third, on January 2020, again at the Castillo del Romeral.

The security forces intervened these last two games, of almost three tons.

For these jobs, the policeman charged, either monthly or for each operation.

In one of the cases, he received 24,000 euros.

Lastly, the former agent is credited with having collaborated in the distribution on the Peninsula of batches of amphetamines, steroids and anabolic drugs manufactured by two defendants in two clandestine laboratories located in the municipalities of San Bartolomé and Santa Lucía de Tirajana (south of the island). and that were then marketed in gyms.