The Limited Times

Between Emmanuel Macron and the youth, a divorce already consummated

5/2/2023, 6:45:17 PM

DECRYPTION – While the president had everything, on paper, to seduce young people, he often struggled to be in tune with them.

Emmanuel Macron, "youth president"?

The qualifier could have corresponded to him six years ago, when the former Minister of the Economy, himself the youngest of his competitors, entered the race for the presidential election.

Face of modernity and “disruptive” candidate, the founder of macronism had everything, on paper, to seduce this category of the population deemed difficult to mobilize.

In 2017, his campaign actually paid off.

In the first round, Emmanuel Macron rose to the rank of second candidate for 18-24 year olds behind Jean-Luc Mélenchon, and second candidate for 25-34 year olds behind Marine Le Pen.

The performance was, however, less in 2022 - the leader of La France insoumise settling very comfortably at the top of these two categories.

Bad basics

It must be said that in the space of a mandate Emmanuel Macron and the young people have often had difficulty in being in phase.

From the start, they started on bad foundations: those of a 5-euro drop in APL, scope…

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