The Limited Times

Crosetto: "Rovelli's invitation to lunch". The physicist: "Thanks, but the question is political"

5/2/2023, 12:39:33 PM

On the stage of the Concertone the physicist: 'Placers of instruments of war'. The VIDEO inside. The minister: 'I invite him to lunch'. The reply: 'Thanks but the question is political'. 300,000 in San Giovanni in the rain. Ligabue: 'Make your voice heard' (ANSA)

"I will invite Professor Rovelli to lunch so the next time he talks about me he will do so having known me, my ideas, knowing what I have done and do every day to seek peace and stop the war and also to hear how a nation is served with seriousness and respect".

Thus, in a tweet, the Minister of Defense Guido Crosetto replies to the criticisms of the physicist Carlo Rovelli expressed in his speech at the concert on May 1st.

"I really appreciate the courtesy of the defense minister, and his kind invitation to dinner, and I thank him. But the question I raised in my speech on May Day is not personal between him and me. It is political, it concerns the future of us everyone, and I would like it to be discussed in the town, not at dinner for two".

So Carlo Rovelli replies on Facebook to Defense Minister Guido Crosetto.


  Indeed, among the interventions "spoken" on the stage of the concert, there was that of the physicist Carlo Rovelli, who went on the attack on military spending and on the "marketers of instruments of war" who build instruments of death "to kill us 'one another".

   "We are heading towards a war that is growing and, instead of looking for solutions, countries challenge each other, invade, fan the flames of war and international tension has never been as high as it is now", said the science communicator and then pointed , without naming him directly, pointed the finger at Defense Minister Guido Crosetto, who in the past was president of the Federation of Italian Aerospace, Defense and Security Companies: "In Italy, the Defense Minister was very close to one of the largest arms factories in the world, Leonardo".

"The world is not your warlords, the world is yours... take your future into your own hands!"

Generation #1m2023 accept the invitation from @carlorovelli!


— May Day Rome (@primomaggioroma) May 1, 2023

    Shortly after Ambra intervened to underline how "there is no censorship. It is a pity that since it is not a political debate, when someone is attacked, as in Professor Rovelli's speech, there should be a debate that did not take place". 

ANSA agency

300,000 at the Concertone in the rain.

The memory of Lorenzo Parelli - Music

The square remembers the murdered psychiatry (ANSA)

"The one that was written yesterday at the concert on May 1st is not a good page, and I say this despite having always looked closely at the life of the unions which are an important element of our democracy. The union is the quintessence of the democratic process".

This was stated by Culture Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano who, in Agrigento, signed the memorandum of understanding for the enhancement of underwater archeology, regarding the statements of the physicist Carlo Rovelli who criticized the policies of those countries, including Italy, which according to him "they fan the flames of war".

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