The Limited Times

Gilles (“Koh-Lanta”): “I felt the elimination coming at 10,000 kilometers”

5/2/2023, 9:45:20 PM

INTERVIEW – While the 31-year-old farmer seemed set to go far in the adventure, fate played tricks on him.

"I'm not necessarily expected on the posts, but I'll be there!"

, he said before the game started.

The 31-year-old man appeared to us as the revelation of this new season.

Gilles had known how to make himself indispensable both on the camp, in the events and the strategies.

Friend of all, it is finally his “too” big heart that cost him his place in the adventure.

Winner of the comfort test with the coveted reward - that of calls to relatives - he is no longer unanimous...


- In this episode, the comfort game is archery and the reward is, among other things, to call your loved ones.

How do you approach this ordeal?


- The rewards are magnificent in the adventure but all I wanted from the day before in training was the phone call.

I wanted to win it for my wife and children.

I had a little apprehension because I had abandoned them a bit in everyday life which is not easy.

I wanted to be sure that everything was fine.

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From the first shots, the test is particularly successful.

How do you explain it?

It's one of the rare events that I prepared two weeks before the start.

I had been to the sports store to buy a bow and arrows which cost me 50 euros.

My wife told me:

“You had better win”


I trained five minutes a day on straw bales on the farm.

Yet in the adventure, after the training phase, I did not expect to win.

This is also why Quentin promises to take me to comfort if he has the opportunity...

"For me, it's inhuman.

I know I could never do that to someone with kids. The feeling of loss is indescribable.


Then all of a sudden, you miss every target...

After hitting the bullseye twice, I decide to intentionally miss the shot.

Seeing Laura upset that I break her arrow, I told myself that I wouldn't be able to do that a third time.

For a few arrows, I completely deviate.

By doing this, I see the phone call go away but I reassure myself by telling myself that the others will not break my arrow.

Denis did not say who was the last so we could not break the arrows according to the classification.

Despite this, you are forced to break two arrows.

How do you make the decision?

To me, that's inhuman.

I know I could never do that to someone with kids.

The feeling of loss is indescribable.

So I break Tania's arrow.

I saved her twice in the past.

The second arrow is Laura's.

She is an adventurer whose parents did not miss her.

However, that day I felt that the look of my teammates changed.

This ordeal is simply unfair.

All in all, you make it to the final against Quentin.

Each has three arrows.

The first two, I don't have them because I'm weaker than my opponent.

For the last, I think back to a piece of advice from Grace who ignored the pressure of the game and imagined herself in her garden.

I thought of my daughters and acted like I was home.

Less stress or beginner's luck?

It was the only time I really knew my shot was good.

After this victory, you choose to share your comfort with Nicolas.

Quentin is furious.

Do you understand his reaction?

Completely yes.

At the time, I think I would have chosen Quentin.

He had come second.

But I had a long moment of reflection which allowed me to take into account the adventure as a whole.

Quentin, I had saved him in the past with the talisman.

He had just taken Fred to a comfort where Nicolas had also come second.

He had opted for this choice out of strategy so I did the same, so as not to show our alliance of four [Nicolas, Quentin, Frédéric and Gilles Editor's note].

Besides, he came out of nowhere when Grace gave him the place after the ambassadors.

Why Nicolas and not another?

With him and Grace, we often talked about our children.

I knew he missed them very much.

We had really shared this pain together, this lack.

I would do exactly the same choice today.

"For Nico, it was impossible"

By the time you arrive on the island of comfort, do you manage to take full advantage of the moment?

I don't know if it shows on screen, but for two hours I don't feel well.

Nico advises me to take advantage of it but I already imagine being eliminated the next day.

For Nico, it was impossible.

He texted me:

“No, don't worry Gilles, they don't have the right to do that to you.

If they do that, they won't be able to look at themselves in the mirror”


But with the ordeal we had just experienced, I felt elimination coming at 10,000 kilometers.

I was fine with everyone, but winning an event like that, with all the rewards that implies (the call, the trip) didn't remain innocent in the minds of the adventurers.

Adventurers reproach you for having promised them all to take them to the poles.

For you, isn't this the cause of your elimination?

I would say that I got eliminated more because of my victory in the event.

Then, secondly, because of misunderstandings with the girls.

I went to see Clémence just before the archery test.

She was my favorite from the beginning of the adventure so I felt that I was losing her after having voted for Helena at the past council.

I wanted to make her understand that I was more with her than Quentin and Fred could be.

If I had been too explicit, I risked losing the quartet.

Since I wasn't, she turned it on me a bit.

I had also exchanged with Laura and even Tania.

That's the problem with being too nice.

I was fine with everyone at that time.

I don't blame the girls because they don't

didn't understand at the time.

But we get along very well today.

Julie is a difficult meeting but in life there are people like that


Isn't that the case with all adventurers?

I have a lot more trouble with Julie.

With her, it's completely the opposite.

She came to see me and took me by the feelings.

I know she's the one who got the girls started.

I find it horrible because she spoke to me about the values ​​of the North [the two are from the region, editor's note] and those of our parents.

She played with feelings and that, I could never have.

She asked me every two days not to eliminate her, to assure her that there was no strategy against her.

Me, I tried more to reassure her but I never promised her anything.

The game ended seven months ago and I still haven't had an explanation, knowing that she really hurt me.

It's a difficult meeting but in life there are people like that.

You are, against all expectations, eliminated...

The exit is ugly but I don't want to remember that.

It is not these five minutes that define my adventure.

I was too nice, it caught up with me.

If you were to relive this adventure, would you change anything?

I think the hindsight of a broadcast is necessary to know how to change that.

Sometimes, there, I lived more the adventure like a shipwreck, more survival than the game. There are things that I think I can do because you have to get into the game. A bit like Rudy , he played with all possible elements of the game, without hurting anyone.

But there are things I couldn't do, like playing with people's feelings and values.

Even if I did three, four, five adventures, I would respect who I am to a minimum.