The Limited Times

Gustavo Bordet blessed the mayor of Paraná to be a candidate for governor of Peronism

5/2/2023, 6:21:11 PM

Adán Bahl, mayor of the capital of Entre Ríos, will be the pro-government candidate. The province votes on the same day as the national election.

After confirming that

Entre Ríos

will not split the provincial elections and will vote on the same day as the national elections, the Peronist president

Gustavo Bordet

confirmed this Tuesday in a message on social networks that the ruling party's candidate for governor will be the

mayor of Paraná


Adán Bahl


"All these years we have fulfilled in giving Entre Ríos order, predictability and the strategic works that we need for development. It is time to move on to a new stage, and Adan Bahl is the right person to guarantee governability and a future of growth in the province "Governor Bordet posted.

"Adán Bahl comes from leading a truly transformative management in Paraná. He carried out works that improved the quality of life of thousands of citizens and restored the city's profile as the capital of the province. He knew how to establish a solid program and lead work teams" added the governor.

The main rival of Peronism is Juntos por el Cambio, whose main candidate is the former Minister of the Interior in the management of Mauricio Macri,

Rogelio Frigerio


The Peronist governor Gustavo Bordet could not run for a new term and until this Tuesday there were at least four candidates: the mayors of Paraná and Concordia, the lieutenant governor Laura Stratta and the deputy Marcelo Casaretto. 

For his part, Bahl confirmed his candidacy with a message on the networks: "I want to tell the people of Entre Ríos that, aware of the enormous responsibility and commitment that comes with it, I made the decision to be a candidate for governor of Entre Ríos."

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