The Limited Times

In Poland, the PiS in power overflowed on its right

5/2/2023, 4:57:53 PM

DECRYPTION – A new far-right party, the Confederation, is attracting young people. The national-conservative party, Law and Justice, sees its emergence with a bad eye.


For weeks, the ultra-conservative libertarian Confederation (Konfederacja) party has been monopolizing attention in Poland, and is already positioning itself, to everyone's surprise, as the third political force in the polls.

Launched during the 2019 European elections, the Confederation has gone in a few years from a marginal nationalist grouping to an important anti-system political force, which now has around 12% support in opinion polls.

A trio symbol of a generational renewal

The movement's founders are veterans of national politics, best known for their controversial statements about women, minorities, and their fascination with the Putin regime.

But the Confederation accelerated its transformation in November 2022, when the keys to the party were handed over to the thirty-something Slawomir Mentzen.

Holder of a doctorate in economics, head of his own tax consulting firm and wealthy producer of the beer bearing his name - Browar Mentzen -, the young man has, on…

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