The Limited Times

Nice will experiment with the yellow intermediate light for pedestrians

5/2/2023, 4:57:59 PM

The capital of the Côte d'Azur is one of seven cities that will test this intermediate warning light for pedestrians. Two avenues will be affected.

Le Figaro Nice

As for cars, pedestrians will have their traffic lights.

The "yellow" will interfere between red and green in an experimental way in seven cities in France, including Nice (Alpes-Maritimes).

A decree of the Ministry of the Interior, published in the Official Journal on April 28, notifies this.

"The objective of the device is to improve the safety of pedestrians approaching a roadway, by improving motorists' understanding of clearance time and respect for red"

, indicates the government text.

This "yellow" light thus aims at pedestrians not to cross, indicating to them with a sufficient lapse of time that cars will soon be able to enter.

This is

“the so-called clearance phase”

, specifies the decree, the one where the pedestrian is tempted to embark on the zebra crossing while his light is red but the vehicles are still waiting.

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Metz, Nancy, Nantes, Strasbourg, Toulouse and Versailles are with Nice the cities chosen to deploy this new type of traffic light.

Two systems will be tested, namely a "steady" light and a "flashing" light.

They will mean the same thing and have the same purpose, namely to deter an individual from crossing.

In Nice, the intersection of rue Barla and rue Bavastro will soon be equipped with a flashing yellow light.

A fixed traffic light will be installed at the intersection of boulevard général Louis Delfino and rue Auguste Gal.

This experiment should last two years and a report produced and commissioned by the community will be due within three months to see if such a device is useful for improving pedestrian safety and can be generalized.

The study will have to analyze the behavior of individuals to see if they understand the system and that it dissuades them from committing.

“On the selected sites, the experimental device reuses the existing pedestrian light boxes and includes all the pedestrian lights of the traffic light intersection”

, can we read in the decree.

"The city of Nice is further strengthening its work in favor of pedestrian mobility, which is already one of the strongest of the major French cities (59%)"

, rejoiced on his Twitter account Gaël Nofri, deputy mayor in charge of Transport.

Following this experiment, the City may decide whether or not to extend this system.