The Limited Times

Punches and hammer blows: three young people attacked during a punitive expedition in Gironde

5/2/2023, 3:15:08 PM

These acts of aggravated violence occurred overnight from Saturday to Sunday, in the town of Camblanes-et-Meynac (Gironde), about ten kilometers south of Bordeaux.

Le Figaro Bordeaux

It looked like a settling of scores.

During the night from Saturday to Sunday, around 2 a.m., the gendarmerie was informed that a fight was in progress near the village hall of Camblanes-et-Meynac (Gironde), a town of around 3,000 inhabitants, located about ten kilometers from Bordeaux.

Particularly violent clashes took place between twenty people, leaving three injured.

One of the victims, injured in the head, was transported to the Tondu clinic in Floirac.

Four youths arrested

The three young people attacked were near the village hall of the town, when several people would have landed in cars, and would have taken them to task before attacking them, specifies the gendarmerie.

There would then have been an exchange of blows.

The attackers were notably armed with hammers, which they allegedly used against the victims.

Four individuals in their twenties were arrested by the gendarmes and placed in police custody, before being released.

The precise reasons for the altercation are not yet known.

A judicial investigation is underway.