The Limited Times

Residents in Otef: "There is nowhere to run - and there is no trust in the government" - Voila! news

5/2/2023, 6:51:33 PM

The IDF is preparing for a significant attack in Gaza in response to the barrages that were launched during the day at the Otaf settlements, during which several people were seriously or lightly injured.

On video: People run away after rockets were launched from the Gaza Strip, Sderot, May 2, 2023 (documentation on social networks according to Section 27a of the Copyright Law)

"We can't continue to live like this, we have nowhere to run. I no longer believe in any government, we have no one to trust. It's been going on for over twenty years," Lavala said!

Resident of Sderot Rita Galadov.

This, following the barrages that were launched during the day from Gaza towards the surrounding settlements, in several different pulses.

Hila Moran Madmoni, also a resident of Sderot, criticized Israel's governments for generations, as well as the Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gabir who, according to her, promised and promised, and nothing happened.

"When the barrage started, we ran to the emergency room, and suddenly we heard cries of 'save' from mothers with babies who were in kindergarten and asked to enter our emergency room. I feel like I'm replaying 22 years, and nothing changes, all the governments have fooled us."

Moran Madmoni added: "Ben Gvir who promised and promised - and in the meantime it hasn't happened. When you sit on a chair, you probably don't manage to change. I implore the Minister of Defense and the Prime Minister: 'Dean Sderot Kadeen Tel Aviv'. Everyone goes out to demonstrate for and against the reform, and no one Hearing our cry, no one got up."

Hosan men with residents of Sderot after a rocket barrage fell in the city, May 2, 2023 (Photo: Yanir Yagana)

"The unbearable ease with which they put us in emergency situations, it's as if we're puppets. For twenty years, the state is over the residents of the Gaza Strip," added the resident of the city of Sderot.

Lev, whose house was damaged as a result of a rocket that fell in the yard told Walla!: "The daughter was alone at home, heard a red color and panicked. There was a big explosion, I was at work and then they called me. My wife had just left for work. It was a great miracle that the rocket fell in the yard, a great miracle." .

14-year-old Liel Melech added: "I was eating and I heard a red color. I ran to the hospital, then I heard booms, and again an alarm, and again a boom, this time loud.

Thoughts came to my mind that it was in my house, I smelled burning, I called my mother.

We opened the MMD and then I see the missile catch fire. We were very stressed."

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Rockets fired from the Gaza Strip to Otef and Sderot, May 2, 2023 (Photo: Reuters)

The mayor of Sderot Alon Davidi also responded to the shooting.

"It's time to stop with the laundry of words. If there are clear and known goals, they must be acted upon and taken care of," he said.

"22 rockets were fired into Sderot and surrounding settlements with the aim of murdering Israeli civilians. We cannot continue with restraint. I once again call on the Prime Minister, the Minister of Defense and the Cabinet to eliminate the leaders of Hamas and Jihad. We are operating in places much further away, but a kilometer from here we are not doing enough to prevent The shooting at Sderot and the surrounding area and the attempt to murder Israelis."

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