The Limited Times

The new official medical report of Jorge Rial: "Large cardiac injury"

5/2/2023, 11:03:15 PM

Ángel de Brito shared with his followers details of the health of the journalist, who is still hospitalized in Colombia.

Jorge Rial

continues to go through a difficult moment in his health but is evolving favorably after a cardiac decompensation that he suffered this weekend in Colombia, while on vacation.

After the emergency operation, in which a stent was placed, in the last hours

they revealed details of their last medical report.

It was Ángel de Brito who shared the detailed information through his Instagram account:

"Today's report: lucid. Favorable evolution of parameters. Strict observation and control. Large cardiac lesion."

Ángel de Brito shared Jorge Rial's new medical report.

In turn, the journalist confirmed that the driver from


(C5N, Monday to Friday at 3:30 p.m.) will remain hospitalized in Bogotá, the Colombian capital, and that he will not return to the country in the coming days, as had been reported: "There will be no

transfer this week".

For his part, the entertainment journalist's personal doctor, Dr. Guillermo Capuya, decided to travel to Colombia and will closely accompany Jorge with what follows from his treatment at this delicate moment for his health.

Capuya, hours before the medical report, had already predicted that Rial would recover "favourably" with the passing of the hours and confirmed that "he will soon be able to return to Argentina."

It is estimated that it will be in the first days of the week that he comes.

Jorge Rial suffered a complex heart condition in Colombia and remains hospitalized in a clinic in Bogotá.

“I was in the room with him chatting for a long time.

Later I spoke with the doctors who are treating him.

Now I'm going to go to the hospital again to start thinking about the return, what day it will be.

It is not that he is going to return on a stretcher, but in a week he could return to Buenos Aires, ”Capuya confirmed to C5N.

In addition, he recounted details of the operation to which the historical presenter of


was subjected : "He is in a coronary unit so that he remains under stricter care, with multiparameter controls, but yesterday we talked about moving him to a common room and then having the high and return to Argentina.

To bring peace of mind to the people who love him, it is very good ”.

"During his hospitalization in Colombia, Jorge had a low blood pressure episode and after the studies, they made a catheter and placed a stent because there was an obstruction in some arteries and the problem was solved," explained Jorge's personal doctor.

And he highlighted the care that Jorge received since he had the cardiac episode:

"He is being treated in a first-rate clinic and with incredible care."

Ángel de Brito revealed details of the critical moment that Jorge Rial went through

The driver of


(America, Monday through Friday at 8:00 p.m.) was the one who, after the first data that came from Colombia, recounted in detail the critical situation that Rial went through.

Jorge Rial had to retire before his radio cycle.

Video capture.

"The medical team managed to revive him after going through a dramatic situation, but they pulled him through. They revived him

, took him out of the picture and intubated him. We have to wait for the evolution, they tell me from the clinic

," said de Brito.

And he assured: "Rial suffered a pre-infarction and they managed to revive him. What is a pre-infarction? The pre-infarction occurs when there is a malfunction in the heart muscle known as myocardium. In general, this failure generates quite strong pain in the chest It's because the heart isn't getting enough blood, so it's not pumping the same amount to the rest of the body.

Then, he indicated what was the first part of Rial: "Acute myocardial infarction. Ventricular tachycardia. He revived. He was intubated. Cardiac catheterization. And now he is stable. Waiting for his evolution."

"The most complicated thing was the ventricular tachycardia that led to cardiac arrest (it is one of the causes of sudden death). It is one of the most serious arrhythmias

," concluded De Brito.


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