The Limited Times

Ukraine: the Kremlin is unaware of the Vatican's peacekeeping mission

5/2/2023, 12:40:06 PM

The Pope said that there is a confidential mission of the Holy See for Ukraine. Even Kiev says it knows nothing (ANSA)

The Kremlin "is unaware" of the Vatican's peace mission for Ukraine cited by

Pope Francis.

This was stated by spokesman

Dmitry Peskov

quoted by the Tass agency.

Indeed, Pope Francis spoke of a confidential peace mission of the Holy See for Ukraine during the 20-minute conversation with journalists on the plane returning from Budapest.

"I believe that peace is always made by opening channels, it can never be done with closure. I always invite you to open relationships, channels of friendship. This is not easy. I made the same speech with Orban and a little everywhere", the Pontiff replied to the question whether talks with Orban and Metropolitan Hilarion could foster dialogue with Moscow and the peace process.

"We talked about all these things, certainly not about Little Red Riding Hood... We are all interested in the path of peace. I am willing to do whatever is necessary. Now a

mission is underway

: I will talk about it when it is public".

Pope Francis speaks of a peace mission

"The meeting with Patriarch Kirill that we were supposed to have last year in June in Jerusalem is pending. It was suspended due to the war, but this meeting will have to take place", Francis said again.

"As regards the relationship with Kirill - he continued -, I have spoken to him only once since the beginning of the war, 40 minutes. Then through Metropolitan Antonij, who took Hilarion's place: through him I keep the relationship with Kirill" .

The Pope also assured that the Holy See will respond to Ukraine's request for help for the return home of children deported to Russia.

"I think so - he replied -, because the Holy See acted as an intermediary in some prisoner exchange situations, and through the Embassy it went well, I think this one can go well too".


It is important - he said -, the Holy See is willing to do it because it is right, it is a right thing and we must help, so that this is not a casus belli, but a human case.

It is a problem of humanity, before a problem of war loot or war relocation.

All human gestures help, but gestures of cruelty don't help.

We have to do everything humanly possible." 

Yesterday an official of the

Ukrainian presidential office

also told


that he was "not aware" of a peace mission involving the Vatican over the conflict with Russia.

"If there are talks, they are taking place without our knowledge," added the source - according to reports from CNN.