The Limited Times

Universal national service: Macron's plan stalled

5/2/2023, 6:33:55 PM

STORY - In a tense social context, the generalization of this device, which has not yet found its place, is delayed.

Watch out for colors…Send!”

In full uniform - blue pants, sweater, raincoat and cap - two teenagers hoist the French flag alongside the European flag.

Around them, 139 other young people and about twenty supervisors observe the scene in silence.

Started eleven days earlier at the Village Vacances Famille (VVF) in Blériot-Plage (Pas-de-Calais), just a few meters from the sea, this session of the universal national service (SNU) is coming to an end.

Only one day left, punctuated by a closing ceremony, and the 141 volunteers of this cohesion stay will return to their seven departments of origin.

Among them are May-Lou and Mathéo (15), Mahealani and Benjamin (16), from Ille-et-Vilaine, Normandy or Var.

The first two heard about the SNU through friends, the third in high school and on social networks, the fourth through his mother.

All describe a complicated start to the stay


Over the days, the alchemy operated.

"We have…

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