The Limited Times

'I felt caged': Emma Watson reveals why she put her acting career on hold

5/3/2023, 4:03:31 PM

In the columns of the Financial Times on April 28, the actress lifted the veil on what pushed her to distance herself from the cinema for almost 5 years.

At only 11 years old, she invested the London sets in the skin of Hermione Granger.

For a decade, Emma Watson has chained the filming of the

Harry Potter

films .

A saga that revealed her, and above all allowed her to embrace a prolific career -

Charlie's World


The Bling Ring





(2015)... So many feature films in which she has acted, which add to the long list of projects she has carried out at the same time: Chanel muse at the dawn of her 18th birthday, then Burberry in the stride, while being an ambassador for Lancôme alongside Kate Winslet, Penélope Cruz and Julia Roberts, she then created her own collection of fair and eco-responsible clothing - "Love from Emma" - designed with the People Tree brand.

And sang in

Beauty and the Beast

(2017) – a musical in which the Brit played (obviously) Belle.

Read alsoAt 30, Emma Watson has completely eclipsed the wise Hermione of "Harry Potter"

A career cut short

But after such a whirlwind of productions, films, solicitations, it was too much for the actress.

So much so that after the filming of

Little Women (Doctor March's daughters),

in 2018, she went on hiatus.

Subsequently, Emma Watson disappeared from the screens, and this voluntarily.

If she had remained silent until then on the reasons for this withdrawal from the film sets, she finally lifted the veil on what prompted her to distance herself.

In question: this myriad of collaborations, which did not allow him to flourish.

"I think I felt in a cage," revealed the actress in the columns of the Financial Times on April 28.

“What I found really difficult was that I had to go out and sell something that I didn't really have control over.

Presenting a film and making sure that I can respond to every journalist who asks me “How does this correspond to your point of view?”

It was very difficult to have to be the

In video, Emma Watson takes part in the celebrity-only pickleball tournament

On all fronts, despite everything

Emma Watson listened to herself.

And it's not because she stopped the cinema - for the moment - that she remained inactive.

At 33 today, she is not afraid to speak out on subjects that are dear to her: ecology and feminism in the first place.

Goodwill ambassador for UN Women on the empowerment of young women, spokesperson for the fight against gender-based and sexual violence… She has become, through her speaking out, a true feminist icon.

And that's not all.

This month, the young woman launches her brand of gin

made in


, "Renais", in collaboration with her brother - Alex Watson.

“Carbon neutral” bottles, she says on her Instagram account.

Produced in Yonne, in Burgundy-Franche-Comté, the beverage is made from recycled grapes straight from the family vineyards: their father, Chris Watson, has owned a wine estate there for twenty years.

It is also in France that she was born - her parents, then both lawyers, were settled in the Yvelines.

She therefore grew up in Maisons-Laffitte, until she was 5 years old, before following her mother to Oxford County, when the couple divorced in 1995.

It was then that Chris Watson embarked on the wine business, and hastened to initiate it.

“Dad gave me water with wine for lunch since I was a kid.

I didn't think alcohol was for getting drunk.

So I didn't really understand when I was a teenager and everyone thought alcohol was forbidden fruit,” she recalls.

Not much to do with the cinema, although she does not completely rule out the idea of ​​returning to this medium.

Last winter, she wrote and directed an advertising campaign for Prada, in which she also starred.

A “very big” moment for her.

Maybe something to help him find his way back to the plateaus?

Time is not pressing: “I am happy to wait for the next good opportunity.


love what i do.

It's about finding a way to do it without having to fracture myself into different faces and people,” she says.

And to conclude: “I no longer want to go into robot mode”.


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