The Limited Times

Eugenio Burzaco calls on the Government to reverse the sanction against the retired general and hero of Malvinas

5/3/2023, 3:51:47 PM

"Kirchnerism must stop putting together black lists," said the Buenos Aires Minister of Justice and Security against Jorge Taiana. Rodrigo Soloaga was removed from the Army Cavalry Commission.

The Minister of Justice and Security of the City of Buenos Aires,

Eugenio Burzaco

, demanded this Wednesday that the national government reverse the sanction against the retired general Rodrigo Soloaga, a hero of the Malvinas who was expelled after remembering prisoners for crimes against humanity, and asked

that Kirchnerism not create "blacklists" or persecute people

"for thinking differently."

Burzaco's message via Twitter was aimed directly at Defense Minister Jorge Taiana, who days ago ordered the removal of Soloaga from his position as president of the Commission for Retired Cavalry and opened an investigation to apply an eventual disciplinary sanction.

According to Taiana's criteria, it was because 

he "claimed State terrorism"

, although the retired general

did not use that phrase

, but in an act he remembered his comrades imprisoned for trials against humanity. 

"I request the minister @JorgeTaiana to reverse the sanction unfairly imposed on General Rodrigo Soloaga. A distinguished

soldier decorated for fighting in the Malvinas

, he also defended democracy in the recovery of La Tablada," Burzaco wrote.

The official, who took office in the City in Marcelo D'Alessandro's place, warned that "it is

worrisome that the minister also requests a list of civilians and soldiers

who participated and received awards in a public act."


must stop blacklisting and persecute people for thinking differently

and focus on solving the problems of our Armed Forces that respond to the Constitution. On December 10 we will begin to change this sad reality," Burzaco closed.

Soloaga, during an act for the Day of the Cavalry Weapon, had remembered "all the comrades of the Cavalry who are deprived of their liberty as a consequence of having fulfilled their duties during a difficult time in our country."

Dressed in the military uniform and taking the official word in an act for the Day of the Cavalry Weapon, the retired general had made a defense of his colleagues: "I want to express our permanent and renewed accompaniment in this circumstance that they have to face and that they endure with stoicism."

"The only thing left for me to do is convey our permanent spiritual support, and the hope that they can soon be together with their families, and other loved ones, who stoically accompany this situation and have achieved, not without suffering, the necessary resignation," Soloaga concluded in a speech at the Campo Argentino de Polo.

In 2004, Soloaga was the Chief of Staff of the Army and requested his retirement after then-President Néstor Kirchner removed the cadres of Jorge Rafael Videla and Reynaldo Benito Bignone from the Nation's Military College.

The sanction that Taiana applied to him was also repudiated by opposition leaders such as

Patricia Bullrich, Miguel Pichetto and Ricardo López Murphy,

among others.

The former senator and current Auditor General of the Nation, Miguel Ángel Pichetto, considered the sanction "illegal": "He has not been able to exercise his right to defense. This for having recalled in an act the situation of many imprisoned comrades and with preventive detention.

Justice always. Revenge no

," he added.

"I resoundingly repudiate the sanction of Jorge Taiana to General Rodrigo Soloaga, hero of the Malvinas and one of the brave men who repelled the occupation of La Tablada. All my solidarity goes to him," said the deputy of Juntos por el Cambio and former Minister of Defense , Ricardo Lopez Murphy.

For her part, former Security Minister Patricia Bullrich accused the government of

"using the military sanction as ideological retaliation."

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