The Limited Times

Oven, limescale or red wine stains: what you can clean with salt

5/3/2023, 1:39:29 PM

Salt is not only an excellent seasoning in the kitchen, but is also considered a real all-rounder when it comes to household cleaning.

Salt is not only an excellent seasoning in the kitchen, but is also considered a real all-rounder when it comes to household cleaning.

Salt, or sodium chloride as it is chemically known, has been valued since the Middle Ages.

In the kitchen, it was not only used as a condiment.

Foodstuffs were also preserved with it – before the invention of the refrigerator.

Nowadays, salt is also often used as a household remedy for cleaning various "hard cases", be it in the kitchen, in the bathroom or on jewellery.

We present a few things that can be easily cleaned with salt.

1. Clean red wine stains with salt

Red wine stains on carpets or clothing can be easily treated with salt.

To do this, put the salt directly on the fresh stain so that it absorbs the moisture.

After a few minutes, brush off the salt and rinse the stain with cold water.


Classic: A fresh red wine stain can be cleaned with salt.

© McPHOTO/Imago

2. Clean sofa with salt

Spilled something on the sofa?

Again, it helps to sprinkle salt on the fabric and let it sit for a few minutes.

Then vacuum with a vacuum cleaner or wipe away with a damp cloth.

3. Remove limescale deposits with salt and lemon

Limescale stains on fittings, the washbasin or the kitchen sink can be easily removed with a mixture of salt and lemon juice.

Apply the mixture to the stain and leave to act, then wipe with a sponge and rinse thoroughly with water.

Even showerheads become sparkling clean again if you put them in salt water for about half an hour.

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4. Clean drain with salt

Salt also works wonders on a clogged drain.

Simply put a few spoonfuls of salt down the sink, leave it on for an hour and then rinse it off with boiling water.

If that doesn't help, you can try using a mixture of baking soda and vinegar to unclog the drain.

5. Clean the oven and baking sheet with salt

To clean the oven, spread salt evenly in the oven, heat the oven to 50 degrees and wait until the salt turns brown.

Then let it cool down.

With the help of a damp cloth, the dirt should now be easily removed.

Could your baking sheet also use a cleaning?

Then put the salt on the baking sheet instead of spreading it in the oven and heat it in the same way.

6. Loosen burnt food in pans and pots

Burnt food in pans and pots can be loosened with salt and vinegar.

To do this, add a tablespoon of salt and two tablespoons of vinegar to the cookware and simmer until the incrustations come off.

Then rinse off - done.

7. Clean gold jewelry with salt

Salt water can be used to clean non-precious gold jewelry.

To do this, line a pot with aluminum foil, pour hot salt water over it and place the gold jewelery in it for ten minutes.

Then wash off and polish with a lint-free cloth.

Five home remedies replace common cleaning supplies - and are in almost every cupboard

Five home remedies replace common cleaning supplies - and are in almost every cupboard

By the way, everyone should have a bowl of salt in their fridge.

Read here what this is all about.

List of rubrics: © McPHOTO/Imago