The Limited Times

China's position on Ukraine has not changed after UN vote

5/4/2023, 9:21:53 AM

China said its stance on the war in Ukraine "has not changed" after the April 26 vote at the UN in support of the resolution describing the conflict as "aggression by the Russian Federation". (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - BEIJING, MAY 04 - China said its position on the war in Ukraine "has not changed" after the April 26 vote at the UN in support of the resolution which described the conflict as "aggression by the Russian Federation".

    The Chinese permanent mission to the UN, in an email to the SouthChina Morning Post (SCMP), clarified that the vote was "on the entire text and not an approval of that specific paragraph".

    "China's position has not changed and the vote has nothing to do with the phone call between the two heads of state" of Beijing and Kiev, Xi Jinping and Volodymyr Zelensky, which also took place on April 26th.

    China also calls for calm and restraint after the drone attacks on the Kremlin, according to Russia.

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said in the daily briefing that Beijing's position "on the Ukrainian crisis is consistent and clear: all sides should avoid taking any action that could further aggravate the situation".