The Limited Times

Fighting in Sudan: Joe Biden says the conflict “must end” and threatens to take sanctions

5/4/2023, 5:40:28 PM

"Violence in Sudan is a tragedy" and "must stop," Joe Biden said in a statement on Thursday, waving the threat of sanctions as...


The violence in Sudan is a tragedy

" and "

must end

," Joe Biden said in a statement on Thursday, waving the threat of sanctions as fighting still raged in Khartoum.

The president says he signed an executive order strengthening the US government's sanctioning powers against “

individuals who threaten the peace, security, and stability of Sudan;

that undermine democratic transition;

who use violence against civilians;

and who commit serious human rights violations.


“Sustainable ceasefire”

Joe Biden also renews in this press release his call for a “

lasting ceasefire

” between the army and the paramilitaries.

US Intelligence Director Avril Haines warned a Senate hearing on Thursday that a "


" conflict is to be expected because "

both sides believe they can win militarily and have little reason to come to the negotiating table.


Like other international officials, she warned that the fighting could cause “

massive migration flows and assistance needs in the region.

The conflict in Sudan entered its twentieth day on Thursday, despite the announcement of a new truce until May 11, and the capital Khartoum was rocked by gunfire and explosions.

Since April 15, the war between the army of General Abdel Fattah al-Burhane and the paramilitaries of the Rapid Support Forces (FSR), of General Mohamed Hamdane Daglo, has caused around 700 deaths, according to the NGO ACLED which lists the victims of conflict.

The fighting also left more than 5,000 injured.

At least 335,000 people have been displaced and 115,000 forced into exile, according to the UN.