The Limited Times

He has five diseases and lives with chronic pain: he holds a raffle to treat himself in the US

5/4/2023, 9:34:54 AM

Florencia Genovart suffers from endometriosis and two rare syndromes. Her last hope is marrow release surgery.

Florencia Genovart, a 28-year-old woman from San Juan, has been fighting for four years and eight months against

chronic and disabling pelvic and lumbar pain

that prevents her from developing her life normally.

After endless medical consultations, failed treatments of all kinds and ten surgical interventions, she reached

five diagnoses of different diseases, two of them rare


Now, the last chance to heal from her could be in the United States and she launched a national raffle to be able to travel.

Florencia suffers from endometriosis, Nutcracker (nutcracker syndrome, one of the strangest diseases in the world), May Thurner syndrome, Tethered cord and inferior hypogastric plexus damage.

“My life turned into hell.

It is a continuous death on a daily basis that has no words.

I feel like my uterus is exploding and that I have an ax stuck in my lower back.

I can't sit, stand or walk.

I live waiting for a heating pad and a hot water bottle.

I have to have my pelvis in a horizontal position, lying down, so that the pain does not increase, ”she describes, in dialogue with



in search of answers

Florence needs to live.

She feels that the incessant pain she experiences 24 hours a day is consuming her existence.

And for this reason, she assures that she has been bedridden since September 2018.

When did you notice the first pain?

“I was working and I felt a strong stitch.

My period came with a lot of pain, as always.

But this time,

my belly blew up like a balloon.

I endured three days, I went to the guard and they told me that I had nothing, "she replies.

After several more rudeness, in 2018 they decided to operate it for the first time.

"They found two ruptured cysts, a strangled tube, pelvic varicose veins, and two 'mild' foci of endometriosis," she describes.

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In 2019, she says she was diagnosed with deep endometriosis.

This condition occurs when small parts of the tissue that line the uterus grow and attach to other pelvic organs.

It is a pathology that has no cure, but well-carried out treatment can alleviate the symptoms.

In 2021, he was diagnosed with "nutcracker syndrome."

What is it?

One of the rarest diseases in the world that is caused by vascular compression.

Later, he was also diagnosed with

May Thurner syndrome

, another vascular compromise condition.

“They put a stent in my renal vein to treat it, but that didn't work either.

The pain never subsided, ”she laments.

He underwent a total of

10 surgeries


"It was very difficult to undergo each of the surgeries because I believed that they were going to help me when, in fact, they worsened my state of health. I entered the operating room with a smile, believing that I would heal, but the discomfort was terrible. No operation was successful for me favourable”, she exclaims disappointed.

In 2021, he undertook a trip to Germany and Switzerland where he underwent a diagnostic test.

“The pain decreased by 70% for 40 minutes.

They were the happiest minutes in recent times.

I was diagnosed with damage to the lower hypogastric plexus.

But, the treatment they gave me the next day did not work.

a life on pause

Florencia is a make-up artist and image consultant.

She danced in a Latin rhythm company in her city and practiced artistic gymnastics.

She only needed to present her thesis to graduate as a geologist, but she could not finish her university degree because of the disease that she suffers from.

Today, with a lot of effort, she attends to some clients to have a source of income.

“She had a very active life in which she did not stop for a minute, not now because I live in bed 24 hours a day”, she expresses sadly.

Florencia Genovart, the young woman from San Juan who suffers from five illnesses and needs to travel to the US for a neurological examination.

He militated in San Juan for a national endometriosis law, "so that they take it as a chronic disease."

In the meantime, she joined other women to carry out campaigns demanding this regulation.

Hope is revived

His fighting spirit continued to battle and explore alternatives.

In his search for him, he found a new hope: a female neurosurgeon in the United States.

She sent him her medical studies and she was diagnosed with

Tethered Cord Syndrome

, a rare degenerative condition involving vascular involvement.

In October of last year, she had a virtual consultation and now she hopes to be able to travel for an in-person consultation.

"It is very important because in that consultation they are going to perform a neurological examination to find out if I am suitable or not for marrow release surgery," he explains to



And he points out: “If I am not suitable or if the percentage of improvement is not optimal, there are no more forms, treatments or procedures to follow.

Just place a neuromodulator to mitigate and calm the pain.

A raffle to save your life

“I just want to heal and for the pain to completely go away.

I need to live again.

I have no monthly income.

For this path I need everyone's help, including the Government's, ”he pleads.

How much money do you need to raise?

“I don't know because due to the volatility of the dollar they still can't give me a budget.

Just my one-way ticket from Ezeiza to New York costs $1,737,357.

My companion's tickets are missing, the two air tickets from San Juan to Buenos Aires, the flight from New York to Rhode Island and the stay.

I'm desperate, I don't know how many millions I'm going to need," she replies.

In order to raise the funds it needs and receive help from the whole country, it launched a national raffle that will take place on June 15, through the national night pool.

“In addition, I am going to hold a fair for new and used clothing, footwear, and accessories.

I invite whoever can and wants to collaborate by depositing in my bank account.

All help is welcome so that this year is the end of this torture, ”she adds.

And she shoots a message: "Value your health because it is everything."

How to help her?

“To acquire the number from anywhere in the country you can do it through my instagram (@florgenovart) or my cell phone number.

You ask me for the number you like from 0 to 1000, you send the proof of payment with your full name, phone number and the number is already yours”, can be read on their social networks.

Transfer data: CBU Banco Nación: 0110474930047425915383. Alias: florgenovart.

CVU Market Payment: 0000003100042857069948 Alias: florgenovartmp Paypal:


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