The Limited Times

Head first - Hanging tomatoes are perfect for the balcony

5/4/2023, 12:52:34 PM

With the right tomato variety, the young plants can also be grown on the balcony to save space. And if they carry red fruits, they look really original.

With the right tomato variety, the young plants can also be grown on the balcony to save space.

And if they carry red fruits, they look really original.

You don't need much to grow hanging tomatoes on the balcony or terrace: a young tomato plant, a bucket and a piece of garden foil or a hanging basket.

As a variety you can fall back on a selection of hanging or traffic light tomatoes, but the small bush tomatoes also serve this purpose.

Grow hanging tomatoes - space-saving solution for the balcony


If you don't have a hanging basket, you can also grow tomatoes upside down in a bucket.

© agefotostock/Imago

Since the bucket or the hanging basket with the soil, the fully grown plant with fruit and regular irrigation water later has to carry a lot of weight, a stable container and a secure attachment of the bucket handle are necessary.

Otherwise there is a risk of the pot tearing off if there is a strong gust of wind.

In order to withstand the 20 kilograms, a strong support is important, for example in the form of a wall anchor, a beam or another hanging device.

As a variety, cherry tomatoes with their compact growth, especially as bush tomatoes, are much better suited than plants with large fruits.

The varieties 'Tumbler', 'Tumbling Tom Red', the wild tomato 'Bianca' or 'Gold Nugget' are particularly suitable for this.

The easiest way to grow the hanging tomatoes is in a hanging basket, which can be attached to the ceiling of the balcony or to the wall to save space.

If you don't have these available or like to tinker, you can convert an ordinary garden bucket as follows:

  • Drill or cut a hole about five centimeters in diameter in the bottom of a 20-liter plastic or metal bucket, for example with a carpet knife.

  • Line the bottom of the bucket with garden foil, a piece of coconut mat or window grille and cut a cross directly over the hole in the bucket.

    If you use coconut mat, you can also cut a slit halfway through it.

  • Now insert a 15 centimeter young tomato plant from below and carefully fill the bucket about three quarters with soil, hang it up and water it well.

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If you feel more comfortable with this, you can first fill the bucket with soil and then carefully insert the plant from below through the slot into the substrate.

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Like all other tomatoes, the plant needs a sunny spot and sufficient irrigation water as well as regular fertilizer.

Another advantage of planting a hanging bucket is that you can add flowers such as basil, parsley or marigolds from above, which ideally will even deter tomato pests.

List of rubrics: © agefotostock/Imago

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