The Limited Times

Italy-France clash on migrants. Skip the bilateral Tajani-Colonna

5/4/2023, 6:58:13 PM

Tajani: 'Very serious and unacceptable accusations, I won't go to Paris'. French Foreign Minister Colonna throws water on the fire: 'The relationship between France and Italy is based on mutual respect'. The accusations of the French Interior Minister Darmanin: 'Meloni unable to solve Italy's migratory problems' (ANSA)

Attack from Paris on the issue of migrants.

Giorgia Meloni

is "incapable of solving Italy's migration problems", said French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin.

Italy's response is not long in coming.

"I will not go to Paris for the scheduled meeting with Colonna. The offenses against the government and against Italy pronounced by Minister Darmanin are unacceptable.

This is not the spirit with which common European challenges should be faced".

The deputy premier and foreign minister Antonio Tajani

tweeted it .


Foreign Minister Antonio's mission with his French colleague Catherine Colonna is skipped: a bilateral agreement that has been foreseen for some time.

Paris "hopes" that the visit of Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani will be "quickly rescheduled".

This is what the French government reports.

I won't go to Paris for the planned meeting with @MinColonna. Minister @GDarmanin's offenses against the government and Italy are unacceptable. This is not the spirit in which common European challenges should be faced.

— Antonio Tajani (@Antonio_Tajani) May 4, 2023

 Interviewed by RMC on some statements by the Rassemblement National concerning the situation at the Franco-Italian border, Darmanin argued that the Italian premier "is incapable of solving the migratory problems" of Italy, a country experiencing "a very serious migratory crisis", he said . 

"Mrs Meloni" - said the French interior minister - who leads "a far-right government chosen by friends of Ms Le Pen, is incapable of solving the migratory problems for which she was elected".

EU, countries choose the port of disembarkation

"We have repeated several times that it is the member countries that are responsible for rescue and rescue operations and also for designating the safest port" for the disembarkation of migrants.

This was stated by the spokeswoman of the European Commission Anita Hipper in response to a question on Italy's choice to disembark the migrants rescued by Geo Barents in La Spezia.

"Our position is always the same on saving lives: it is a moral and legal obligation for member countries under international law", highlighted the spokeswoman.


The French government hopes to work with Italy to face the common challenge represented by the rapid growth of migratory flows":

the Quai d'Orsay made it known when it intervened on the statements against Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni by the French Interior Minister, Gérald Darmanin.

"The relationship between France and Italy - reads a statement from the Quai d'Orsay - is based on mutual respect, between our two countries and between their leaders. It is the spirit of the Quirinale Treaty".

The migration issue "must be addressed by all Member States, bearing in mind that we can only be successful and effective with concertation and calm dialogue".

"The external dimension of migration, which implies in particular the close strengthening of cooperation with the countries of

"I spoke to my colleague Antonio Tajani on the phone.

I told him that the relationship between Italy and France is based on mutual respect, between our two countries and between their leaders.

I hope to be able to welcome him soon in Paris":

this is the tweet by Catherine Colonna, French Foreign Minister, who was supposed to receive her Italian counterpart tonight at 7.30 pm at the Quai d'Orsay before the visit was canceled due to Darmanin's words.

I spoke to my colleague @Antonio_Tajani on the phone.

I told him that the relationship between Italy and France is based on mutual respect, between our two countries and between their leaders.

I hope to be able to welcome him soon in Paris.

— Catherine Colonna (@MinColonna) May 4, 2023

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