The Limited Times

Maratea's collection to save Independiente: in a week the fans 650 million pesos

5/4/2023, 10:40:00 PM

If the official exchange rate of this Thursday is taken into account, it would be about 2.8 million dollars, which means covering half of the debt with America from Mexico.

The very high goal that Santiago Maratea

set for himself when he launched the trust to raise money to pay off


's debt

is to reach 20 million dollars.

It is difficult to know if that amount will be covered, which would clean up the delicate economic and financial situation of the Avellaneda club.

However, in just one week of collecting

the red fans reached 650 million pesos


If the official exchange rate of this Thursday is taken into account, it would be about 2.8 million dollars, which means covering half of the debt with America from Mexico.

Independiente is currently inhibited by FIFA due to the claim made by the Central American team, which demands payment for

Cecilio Domínguez

's pass that the previous management chaired by

Hugo Moyano

did not complete.

It is about 5.7 million dollars in total.

Until that figure is paid, the


will not be able to incorporate and youth players over the age of 15 who signed up in 2023 will not be able to act in their categories either.

This is the largest and most urgent debt that the Avellaneda entity has.

And it is imperative to solve it to lift the inhibition.

Well, in the first seven days of the campaign led by Maratea,

donations already covered 50 percent of that number.

Maratea wants to reach 20 million dollars.

Photo: Guillermo Rodríguez Adami

Both the supporters and former players and current members of the Rojo squad and coaching staff collaborated financially through the Mercadopago account that Maratea opened for contributions to be made:



The CVU number is: 0000003100056132456587. There are also fixed payment links, where the contributor can donate 32,000, 16,000, 8,000, or 4,000.

In the last hours,

the General Inspection of Justice ordered Santiago Maratea

to present a copy of the trust.

Likewise, they want the


to register him with the IGJ, since he is currently based in Neuquén (where the Provincial Inspectorate of Legal Entities operates).

And they gave him a period of two days.

Maratea denounced this week on his Instagram account having received a lot of hostility and spoke of media


against him and against this collection to help Independiente.

In turn, he received criticism when saying that he will keep 5 percent of the total collected.

This Saturday he will appear at an event in Córdoba together with red fans to continue promoting this movement.

The account is expected to increase in the coming days since the tool for foreign fans and supporters clubs to transfer money has not yet been implemented.

look too

"If you don't raise the six million dollars, it's a failure" and "you keep 5 percent, you sold it changed": Toti Pasman, very harsh with Maratea

Independent: what the money raised by Maratea will be used for