The Limited Times

National day against pedophilia and child pornography

5/4/2023, 12:27:56 PM

'Nobody wants to talk about it'. On 5 May, the initiative of Telefono Azzurro and the Family Policies department

Pedophilia: a phenomenon of which we want to know as little as possible and which consequently we do not talk about.

Because pedophilia is something that everyone wants to fight but no one wants to hear about it.

This is why the

National Day against Pedophilia and Child Pornography,

the result of the law 41 of 2009 which established it and which takes place every year on May 5th, is so important: it allows you to shed a light on a theme that proliferates right in the shadows.

But it's not enough to talk about it one day a year, the risk is that this will unload the conscience of people, institutions, the world of associations and the press and produce insensitivity and intolerance at the idea of ​​investigating the matter further.

For this reason, on the occasion of this year's anniversary,

Telefono Azzurro, together with the Department of Family Policies - Presidency of the Council of Ministers

, wants to focus on a different approach that can be summarized in two words: understand and act. 

In the presence of the institutions, with the authoritative patronage of the Presidency of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, and in the Multipurpose Room of Palazzo Chigi in Rome, the next essential steps that Italy must take to move up the international ranking will be discussed far behind in terms of preventing abuse and especially in terms of victim protection, as well as in the lack of active policies dealing with offenders while they are in prison.

A territorial network of which the 114 – Childhood Emergency, is an essential first step but which cannot be the only solution.

A lot has been done in these twenty-four years, but a lot still needs to be done also because the reference framework has changed a lot with the advent of the Internet and the impressive exchange of materials relating to the abuse of children and adolescents traveling between continents


To be able to carry out this transformation, everyone's contribution is needed: school, territorial health, the third sector and civil society as well as companies that operate on the net, in a common effort that opens up a debate as has already happened in other countries.

But above all we need the mass media, we need to break the curtain of silence and opacity that surrounds this phenomenon.

May 5th will be an opportunity for Telefono Azzurro not only to tell the data, inserted in an international context of contrast, but also of an operational proposal and change in the actions carried out so far by the institutions.

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