The Limited Times

Neureuther: "Training in old age is like an elixir of life"

5/4/2023, 3:04:09 PM

Christian Neureuther (74) is in top form, but you don't have to be a sports star to benefit from training into old age: "It's like an elixir of life." University chief physician Prof. Martin Halle explains the effects.

Christian Neureuther (74) is in top form, but you don't have to be a sports star to benefit from training into old age: "It's like an elixir of life." University chief physician Prof. Martin Halle explains the effects.

I will always move as long as God lets me.

I can only encourage all seniors: take heart and move around as often as possible!”

Christian Neureuther


Movement is important to keep life in balance: Christian Neureuther scrambling in the Kramer area high above Garmisch-Partenkirchen.

© private

He used to win World Cup races and today he still skis better than many young skiers.

In between, he does his rounds on cross-country skis in the Nordic training center in Kaltenbrunn.

In the summer, Christian Neureuther goose-steps up the steep mountain paths around his hometown of Garmisch.

But for a long time now, it hasn't mattered to him about best times.

Christian Neureuther: Movement as an important investment in health

"For me exercise is much more than competition, it is enjoyment, pure joie de vivre and at the same time an important investment in health.

I will always move as long as God lets me.

Rosi and I have always enjoyed it and were grateful to be able to share our enthusiasm for exercise, we felt very lucky.

I can only encourage all seniors to take heart and move as often as possible.

It's worth it in a number of ways, but for each individual," says Christian Neureuther, referring to the study "best form - sport no age" by the Technical University of Munich.

Scientific mammoth project with over 400 seniors


Driving force of the movement project: Nina Schaller and her team of scientists from the Technical University of Munich are investigating the health effects of regular training in senior citizens' facilities.

© Markus Goetzfried

The scientific mammoth project - one of the world's largest studies on the health effects of physical training in retirement homes - is currently causing a lot of discussion in Munich and Upper Bavaria.

More than 400 seniors in more than 20 houses take part, the average age is over 80 years.

They exercise twice a week, supervised and guided by trainers from the TU Munich team of sports scientists and sports physicians as well as specially trained employees of the facilities.

"One of the goals is to establish exercise as a fixed part of care in senior citizens' facilities," reports project manager Nina Schaller.

"It doesn't really matter how long you exercise or what kind of sport you do.

What matters is that you train regularly.

It not only helps me to stay physically fit, it's also good for my soul," reports Christian Neureuther.

Felix Neureuther: "Exercise should be a lifelong companion"


Movement is part of life from the beginning to the end, says Felix Neureuther.

Here the ski star trains with little ones on skis on Garmisch's local mountain.

© Peter Kornatz

His son Felix Neureuther (39) says in an interview with our editors: "Exercise should be a lifelong companion - from the little boy to the grandfather.

For years it has been a matter close to my heart to motivate children to exercise, to convey their enthusiasm for sport.” Felix Neureuther is committed to this with his initiative “Beweg dich schlau” and in various projects of his Felix Neureuther Foundation.

"But not only for children, but also for old people: It's never too late to exercise."


Always on the move: the prevention physician Professor Martin Halle from the Technical University of Munich.

If you exercise regularly, you strengthen your cardiovascular system and keep your blood pressure values ​​under control.

This also and especially applies to old age.


Professor Martin Halle: "Regular exercise is the key to a good quality of life into old age"

The senior citizens’ project at the Technical University of Munich takes the same line with the motto “best form.

Sport knows no age”, which is supported ideally and financially by the Beisheim Foundation.

In the exercise program, seniors train in their facilities twice a week on special training equipment for older people.

"Regular exercise is the key to a good quality of life into old age," explains Professor Martin Halle, chief physician at the University Hospital Rechts der Isar and director of the Department of Sports Medicine and Sports Cardiology at the Technical University of Munich.

Reduced risk of dementia, diabetes and heart disease

"Anyone who exercises regularly increases their performance, suffers less often from chronic diseases such as those of the cardiovascular system, diabetes or dementia, is physically less restricted, remains mentally fit, has more social contacts and a longer life expectancy," explains Halle.

Strength training counteracts muscle wasting

The large muscle groups can be trained and the torso muscles strengthened, particularly through strength training on the machines.

“Muscles are stabilizers for joints and the spine.

If you have more muscles, you also have denser, stronger bones.

Regular physical training is the best medicine to maintain the quality of life in old age and to counteract muscle wasting, frailty and the need for care for as long as possible,” explains the experienced prevention physician.

Gisela Meyborn (89): "Feel how good the training is for me"


Role model at 89: "Especially when you're old you have to do something to stay fit and independent," says Gisela Meyborn.

She regularly takes part in the bestform training at the Marienstift in Munich-Gern.

© Marcus sleep

Gisela Meyborn proves that there is no age limit for training.

She lives in the Marienstift in Munich-Gern and regularly takes part in joint practice sessions with other seniors.

"I really enjoy the movement and the exchange in our training group, I'm really sad if the appointment is cancelled," says the 89-year-old, who has found her new home in the Marienstift for four years.

“At my age it is of central importance what you can still do on your own in everyday life.

And in order to be able to do as much as possible - you have to do something for it.

The training helps me with that.

I can feel how good it is for me.”


The bestform training is also an investment in the quality of life of our residents, says Svetlana Schmik from the Marienstift in Munich-Gern.

© Marcus sleep

Nursing expert: Real added value for our senior citizens

Svetlana Schmik feels confirmed by such success stories.

The deputy head of the Marienstift can still clearly remember the opening of the training room in October 2021 - in the middle of the Corona period.

"It was already clear to us back then that this range of exercise offers real added value for our residents.

Today we are happy to see the progress of the training participants every day - in the truest sense of the word," says Schmik: Before the start of the training, some could only walk three steps at a time, now some are 20 or more.

And every additional step is more quality of life.”

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication.

In no way does it replace a visit to the doctor.

Unfortunately, our editors are not allowed to answer individual questions about clinical pictures.