The Limited Times

OSCE, 'fears of possible torture of Ukrainian children'

5/4/2023, 2:15:52 PM

"The cumulative effects of the multiple violations against deported Ukrainian children give rise to very serious concerns that these children's rights to be free from torture and ill-treatment or inhuman or degrading treatment s… (ANSA)

(ANSA) - BRUSSELS, MAY 04 - "The cumulative effects of the multiple violations against deported Ukrainian children give rise to very serious concerns that the rights of these children to be free from torture and ill-treatment or inhuman or degrading treatment have been violated".

This is the conclusion of the report by Osce experts on the deportations of Ukrainian children.

The report, viewed by ANSA, was compiled by a team of international forensic experts convened through the activation of the so-called Moscow Mechanism, and was presented this morning to the 56 members of the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna.