The Limited Times

Piantedosi, 'city safety is a top priority'

5/4/2023, 2:40:09 PM

"The safety of cities, and in particular of the urban areas bordering railway stations, is a priority of the utmost importance". Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi said this during question time in the Senate. (HANDLE)


safety of cities

, and in particular of the urban areas bordering railway stations, is a priority of the utmost importance".

Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi

said it


question time in the Senate


The minister recalled the establishment of the 'Metropolitan Areas Forum' with Rome, Milan and Naples which will soon be extended to other cities as well.

"Just to give an idea of ​​the extent of the high-impact operations in the three cities in question - he said -, from January 10 to May 3, more than 15,000 operators of the police force, 1,300 units of the municipal police and over 1,500 employees of other entities involved in the controls".

"The road that we have traced and that we are following together with the mayors is the right one - concluded the minister -: the full exploitation of the available resources, pooling them as a common factor to improve the safety and livability of our cities". 

"Our goal - he continued answering another question - is to continue to increase the presence of the police force in the places that present the most critical situations, including hospitals and commercial areas. This approach, in fact, produces positive effects both on the both prevention and repression given that, in cases in which crimes have been committed, the constant and strengthened presence of the police forces has made it possible to quickly identify the culprits and bring them to justice".

"However, I am aware that the work of the police force is fundamental but it is not enough - he underlined -. In fact, it is necessary to act to combat the degradation and growing social marginalization that feed phenomena of illegality and insecurity. It is clear that the problems of safety, degradation, discomfort and social marginalization are closely linked to each other; therefore, I consider essential the constant interlocution and loyal collaboration with the mayors who must not be left alone and must also be supported in terms of their specific responsibilities, in matter of social services and urban redevelopment interventions".

Dissolving subversive movements is a complex issue

"The dissolution of organizations of a subversive nature" is "a matter of extreme complexity, as the limited application cases also make clear", said the interior minister in response to a question on the dissolution of formations inspired by fascism.

Confirming the complexity, said the minister, there is "the decision taken by the government then in office, following the very serious assault on the national headquarters of the CGIL in the autumn of 2021, not to proceed with the dissolution by decree law, even in presence of the motions approved in the last legislature by the two houses of Parliament".



I understand ira hotel, the answer is restyling

"I understand the problem of business owners and residents and the point of view of hoteliers, but the redevelopment of the area is the answer. The road we offer is a major redevelopment project" explained the minister dell'Interno Piantedosi, at the end of the meeting of the

provincial committee for public order and safety in Rome

responding to a question from reporters on the lack of effectiveness, according to the protesters, of the strengthening of controls at Rome's Termini station.

"We pay maximum attention to Termini, which we will renew further - he said again - We are aware that people go to the station because they feel safe. There is a complexity to take into consideration. I think this redevelopment project will give great opportunity to address these phenomena - he added".

With respect to the protests of the Esquiline hoteliers, who also contested the use of the vaccination hub for hospitality, arguing that it would not really be used by the homeless, the minister added that "the vaccination hub will be superseded. Roma Capitale is thinking about new hospitality solutions".

"Termini is a very particular area, the stations by their nature are a place of attraction for social marginalization, people who tend to gather there. Roma Capitale, through the offer of the vaccination hub, has managed to numerically census the people who gravitate around the station: there are about 160 of 35 nationalities and 20 percent are Italian," said the Minister.

"Therefore sometimes we hastily tend to attribute those phenomena to other phenomena such as the landings, which certainly need to be brought under control because they must not contribute to fueling the marginalized groups, but it is a more complex phenomenon than what we tend to represent simplistically".

The fight against drugs cannot ignore safety

"The issue of alternative measures to detention is a particularly complex issue, I believe it requires an ever more in-depth analysis, the organizers did well to make it the subject of this specific panel, I think that two fundamental data in any case they should not be overlooked: over a quarter of the entire prison population has problems of pathological dependence on narcotic substances, and the data which also concerns Italian prisons shows that over 30 per cent of prisoners who are in prison for crimes of drug".


says it

, speaking at the "Rome Consensus 2.0" summit entitled "Breaking down barriers, building bridges", promoted on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Red Cross and Red Crescent partnership in which good practices for the prevention of drug use are discussed and in particular the "deflection" approach aimed at avoiding prison.

"This - continued Piantedosi - also marks the importance of the drug issue which is not only criminal but is also truly a social issue, so I believe every choice in this field cannot fail to take into due consideration these aspects, the search for a point of balance which ensures at the same time safety for the community, the right to health and the social reintegration of people, even in a context like this, my constant reference to safety and the community must in any case allow me because it is an issue of I have to deal with but I think it can be broadly combined with the other topics that are discussed more extensively in a summit like this, indeed health and reintegration are two important aspects also for the safety of the community and of the people themselves".