The Limited Times

Summer sales: twenty years later, the Alpes-Maritimes are aligned with national dates

5/4/2023, 5:34:17 PM

The request of the CCI of Nice succeeded so that the dates of the summer sales in the department are the same as in the rest of France.

Le Figaro Nice

The summer sales in the Alpes-Maritimes will be held on the same dates as in the rest of France.

From June 28 to July 25, local merchants will be entitled to offer discounts on their various merchandise.

For 20 years, the department was not aligned with the same period.

They started fifteen days later in order to encroach on the beginning of August and benefit from the strong tourist frequentation.

For the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Nice,

"this discrepancy had become obsolete with regard to the evolution of purchasing habits"

, it indicates in a press release to welcome this modification, experienced as

"a excellent news for the merchants of our territory


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Our local merchants will be able to take advantage of this prosperous period in the same way as the others.

Jean-Pierre Savarino, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Nice

Originally, this difference in dates was desired by the traders of the Riviera.


"under the impetus of e-commerce, a form of unfair competition has set in to the detriment of local businesses"

, continues the CCI.

Especially since according to her, the success of a good turnover is played in the first two weeks of the sales.

With the support of the Maralpine prefecture and after discussions with the various representatives of businesses and local elected officials, she made a request to the Ministry of the Economy to "be in tune with

new buying habits, build customer loyalty and make national communication audible”


In her request, she insisted on the fact that customers were going to consume in neighboring departments or on the other side of the border, in Italy, or even on the Internet.

The CCI won its case and this will apply as of this summer.

"Our local traders will be able to take advantage of this prosperous period in the same way as the others"

, think Jean-Pierre Savarino, president of the CCI of Nice.

“I learn with satisfaction the favorable follow-up given by Bruno Le Maire to the request that we had formulated with the merchants of Nice”

, also reacted on Twitter Christian Estrosi, the mayor of the city.

A decree will thus be published to modify the dates of the summer sales in the Alpes-Maritimes.