The Limited Times

The CDM is underway, the decree on opera foundations on the table

5/4/2023, 4:45:55 PM

Comparison on the commander of the Guardia di Finanza. De Gennaro and Sirico are the hot names for Zafarana's successor. Meloni: 'Let's write a new fiscal pact for Italy' (ANSA)

The meeting of the Council of Ministers is underway, which began about two and a half hours late.

On the agenda, among other things, a decree law that revises the rules on the retirement of the directors of opera-symphonic foundations, which may have repercussions on the future of the current CEO of Rai, Carlo Fuortes. 

Behind the delay in the start of the meeting, scheduled for 4 pm

, there would be not only the

visit to Palazzo Chigi by the speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy

 and the extension of the Milan-Cortina control room.

ANSA agency

Meloni, 'let's write a new fiscal pact for Italy' - Ultima Ora

Accountants "have all the skills to help the political decision-maker, assist him in the definition of often very technical rules and in the process of simplifying bureaucracy, where possible. (ANSA)

Almost two hours from the time scheduled for the start of the meeting, according to government sources, the definition of the text of the decree on the agenda which intervenes

on the administration of "public entities and companies" is awaited.

    A provision that would also intervene

on the age limit of 70 beyond which the directors of the opera-symphonic foundations would retire,

thus also affecting the decisions on Rai and the future of the current Carlo Fuortes managing director.

    Furthermore, as we learn from various government sources, a discussion is still underway within the executive on one of the expected measures, namely

the appointment of the new commander of the Finance Police.

The issue, according to reports, would have been the subject of a meeting in the morning between Defense Minister Guido Crosetto and Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti.

Those of the second in command of the Gdf

Andrea De Gennaro and General Umberto Sirico

are the recurring names in these hours for the choice of the

successor to General Giuseppe Zafarana,

chosen by the government as the new president of Eni.