The Limited Times

Book Fair: present a biography of Mama Antula, 'an empowered woman in colonial Buenos Aires'

5/5/2023, 11:34:23 AM

Nunzia Locatelli and Cintia Suárez investigate the life of the feminist who is on her way to becoming the first Argentine saint.

María Antonia de Paz y Figueroa, better known as

Mama Antula

, was born in Villa Silípica, present-day Santiago del Estero province, in 1730. She died in Buenos Aires, then capital of the Viceroyalty of Río de la Plata, in March 1799.


historical relevance

, extremely important, finds no correlation with its historiographical treatment.

To return her to her rightful place, the Italian Nunzia Locatelli and the Argentine Cintia Suárez -both journalists and writers- published her biography:

Mama Antula.

An empowered woman in colonial Buenos Aires.

The book will be presented this 


 at Stand 3117 of the Ocher Pavilion at the

47th Buenos Aires International Book Fair.

They will be accompanied by the legislator Facundo del Gaiso and they will make a

free delivery

of five thousand copies.

"The book brings as a novelty the link of this valuable woman with the

heroes of May

. This link is evidenced through the letters that she exchanged with Cornelio Saavedra, Azcuénaga and also with Francisco de Uriarte. We were able to gather all this information thanks to the discovery of 300 manuscripts. This corpus focuses on her as

the first writer from the River Plate "

, its authors


Clarín .

Locatelli and Suárez carried out an investigation and recovery of ancient missives, written in different languages ​​and located in the

Archivio di Stato di Roma


5 thousand copies will be distributed on Sunday for free at the Book Fair.

For them, talking about Mama Antula is talking about a fighting, brave and revolutionary woman.

Someone who

challenged the masculine norms and stereotypes

of her time to stand up for what she believed to be fair.

At a time when the female sex was confined to the silence of the home, Mama Antula decided to make herself heard.

For that,

she had to confront her family

and, indirectly,

the Pope and the Crown


After the expulsion of the Jesuits in 1767 (due to her political, economic and ideological confrontations with the king), she decided to keep alive the flame of the

Society of Jesus

and her work.

On August 27, 2016, this essential figure was consecrated with beatitude.

This year, a cure is being analyzed in the Vatican, an alleged miracle, which, if confirmed as such, could allow Mama Antula to be declared the

first Argentine saint


She was a laywoman, as Pope Francis asks to clarify, since she was not a nun.

His footprint is so important that the Independencia station on Line C of the subway will bear his name.

The House of Spiritual Exercises is located there, built between 1795 and 1810 on his initiative.

It is currently the

oldest colonial building in Buenos Aires.

The authors of this new text have also written other books such as


Mama Antula, the woman who defied the maximum powers

(Ed. Santa María, 2017),

Mama Antula, the most rebellious woman of her time

De ella (Planeta, 2019) and

What have they done?

Juan Pablo I. Conspiracy in the Vatican and Miracle in Argentina

(Catarsis, 2022).


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