The Limited Times

Corrientes: a routine control ended with two Brazilians arrested for transporting spiders, lizards and snakes

5/5/2023, 11:46:29 PM

The operation took place in Paso de los Libres, on the border with Brazil. The men did not have authorization to transfer wild species.

A routine vehicle control operation along the Corrientes routes ended with the arrest of two Brazilians who were circulating, without authorization, with wild species that caught the attention of the agents: water turtles, lizards, boas, spiders and



The surprise occurred this Friday morning, in the city of Paso de los Libres, on the border with Brazil.

The control of cars that cross from one country to another is common in that region, but what the agents found in a car with a Brazilian patent is not common.

Thus, personnel from the Paso de los Libres Operative Unit Division of the Federal Police discovered an incredible shipment:

 thirty-six (36) Podocnemis Unifilis water turtles

, four (4) Diploglossus lizards,

one hundred and twenty-four (124) spiders.

Acanthoscurria Geniculata,

eight (8) Boas Constructor

and one (1) snake.

According to specialists, all the species would be from the

Brazilian Amazon


Among what they were transporting were thirty-six (36) Podocnemis Unifilis water turtles.

The two occupants, identified as GMR and LDI, both of legal age, could not prove the

corresponding documentation that authorizes the transfer

of wild species, transported in individual containers.

For this reason

 they were arrested


The spiders were of the Acanthoscurria Geniculata type, from the Brazilian Amazon.

The Federal Court of First Instance for the Passage of the Free A/C of Dr. Gustavo FRESNEDA intervened in the event, before the Secretary in charge of Dr. Nahuel Oliva, as well as the National Directorate of Natural Resources of Flora and Fauna of this City, for violation of National Law No. 22,421 Fauna Conservation.

They had 216 parrots in the trunk of the car, they played loud music to mislead, but they were still discovered

The unusual situation occurred in Santiago del Estero a few months ago when, also in a routine operation, the gendarmes noticed

suspicious behavior

in its two occupants: they kept the

stereo volume up

while answering the usual questions.

So it was that they decided to deepen the control and found in the trunk of the car 216 "talking" parrots that were being smuggled.

It happened on National Route 34 at the height of the city of Pinto.

There the agents of the National Gendarmerie stopped a Renault Fluence.

They had the trunk of the car full of "talking" parrots and the Gendarmerie discovered them in Santiago del Estero.

Both occupants of the car were tense and evasive when the gendarmes requested both their personal and car documentation, while refusing

to lower the volume of the stereo


When they were finally forced to comply with this last request, the agents began to hear

noises coming from the trunk

and ordered it to be opened.

There they found a large number of "talking" parrots loose, of the amazon aestiva species, which represented a violation of Law 4,802 on the conservation of wildlife.

They had the trunk of the car full of "talking" parrots and the Gendarmerie discovered them in Santiago del Estero.

The driver of the car and his companion (whose identities were not revealed) declared that they were traveling from Pampa de los Guanacos, in Santiago del Estero, bound for the Santa Fe city of San Lorenzo.

The prosecutor's office in the town of Añatuya intervened, which released the accused but "subject to the cause", while ordering the

kidnapping of the birds



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