The Limited Times

Guatemala: the spectacular eruption of the Fuego volcano

5/5/2023, 4:40:22 PM

The busiest in Central America. The activity has decreased in intensity. More than 1,000 people were evacuated this morning (ANSA)

The National Institute of Seismology (Insivumeh) of Guatemala has announced today that the eruptive activity of the Fuego volcano that began yesterday continues, but that "now there is a downward trend" of the phenomenon.

In fact, this morning

the Guatemalan authorities evacuated more than 1,000 people

due to the eruption of the Fuego volcano, the most active volcano in Central America, which was emitting "pyroclastic flows" - a high-temperature mixture of gas, ash and fragments of rock - "which descend with great speed along the sides of the volcanic complex".

A civil defense official, Oscar Cossio, said 1,054 people had been evacuated from five communities at the foot of the volcano and moved to a sports hall.

The eruption, which took place on Thursday, formed an ash column more than 6,000 meters high.

    The latest volcanological bulletin reports in this regard "three to five weak explosions per hour", which "generated an ash column at a height of 4,400-4,600 meters on the crater, which dissolves towards the west and north".

    Due to the activity of the volcano, the Institute then communicates, "some weak and moderate avalanches were generated around the crater, and in the direction of the Ceniza escarpment, also reached by an incandescent lava flow".

    The lava phenomenon, adds Insivumeh, has also generated an abundant dispersion of ashes on the numerous villages located in the vicinity of Fuego.

A center official, Rodolfo Garcia, estimated that 130,000 people live in areas exposed to the ash fall, which covered a