The Limited Times

In reverse: pear cake in a pan - voila! Food

5/5/2023, 6:40:18 AM

Easy recipe for cake in a pan. Pear or apple cake in a pan. A recipe for an easy cake to make by Sarah Phillips. A delicious dessert of coffee cake or cake next to the coffee

America in a frying pan.

Upside-down pear cake (Photo: Dror Einav)

Sarah Phillips is one of the biggest bakers in the US and huge companies in the food industry rely on her multiple skills. Phillips was born in Chicago to educated Jewish parents, whose families immigrated from Eastern Europe in the early 19th century. She really enjoyed baking.

In her younger years she moved to New York, got married and worked in various sales jobs, until one fine day she found herself alone with two small children in a single mother slot, something she never expected or dreamed would happen to her. This was the turning point. She

began To bake cookies and cakes vigorously in order to sell to a multitude of coffee shops and luxury restaurants throughout New York, and success was not long in coming, in the form of baking books that include instruction, anecdotes and lots of practical advice, baking mixes sold in major chains, developing sugar-free and gluten-free recipes for large companies, visual consulting and commercial for advertising food products, and running a company. That's what I call success.

Phillips is the proof that the combination of the old and conservative world of baking with the modern and current one is a correct formula that works.

And in general, that dealing with food must be dynamic and creative, versatile and unpredictable.

Her life story as well as her excellent recipes are an inspiration for me and I chose to share my version of an upside-down cake originally baked in a Skillet Cake.

This pan is considered a classic kitchen tool that is a must.

If you have one in your possession, it is ideal, and if not, any other oven-proof pan will do.

Sarah Phillips' original pan cake recipe (in several different versions) is on her website, along with a host of other delicious recipes, advice, tips, and everything there is to love about food.

Chosha cake with caramelized pears


  • to the bottom:

    • 3 medium and ripe pears (can be replaced with any other favorite fruit: apples, plums, peaches, figs and even large halved grapes, preferably dark)

    • 20 grams of butter

    • 20 grams of demerara sugar (2 tablespoons)

    • 1 cinnamon stick

    • 1 star anise (optional)

  • For the batter:

    • 230 grams of flour (one and a half cups + 2 tablespoons)

    • 5 grams baking powder (half a tablespoon)

    • 100 grams of sugar (half a cup)

    • 3 eggs M

    • 100 grams of oil (half a cup)

  • For the conversion table click here >


How do you make an upside down pear cake?

  • 1 Heat the oven to 170 degrees Turbo.

  • 2

    Preparing the bottom of the pears:

    in a pan with a diameter of 22/24 cm, heat butter, sugar and spices over medium heat, until the ingredients melt and start to bubble slightly.

  • 3 Remove from the heat and carefully place the pears, with the halved part facing down.

    Return to the heat and caramelize for 2-3 minutes.

    Remove from heat and cool.

  • 4

    Preparing the batter:

    In a medium bowl, beat the eggs and sugar.

    Slowly add the oil and continue whipping until the volume doubles.

    Add the flour and baking powder and mix until fully incorporated.

  • 5 Pour the batter over the glazed pears and tap the pan lightly on the work surface.

    Put in the bottom of the oven for 12 minutes.

    Move the pan to the center of the oven on top of the rack and continue to bake for another 20 minutes.

    It is advisable to perform a 'dry toothpick test'.

  • 6

    Remove from the oven and immediately transfer to a serving dish:

    carefully turn into a serving dish, so that the glazed pears are on top and eat warm with vanilla ice cream and/or chilled muscat wine.

  • Don't you have a pan that is suitable for baking in the oven?

    You can glaze the pears in a regular pan, cool, and then transfer with the liquids to a Teflon pan/mirror pot, pour the batter over it and bake..

  • The steps of preparation in the pictures:

    Cut the pears and remove the core (photo: Dror Einav)

    Heat a pan with butter, sugar and spices (photo: Dror Einav)

    Wait until the sugar melts and begins to bubble slightly (photo: Dror Einav)

    Carefully place the pears, with the halved part facing down.

    Return to the heat and caramelize for about 2-3 minutes (photo: Dror Einav)

    Preparing the batter (Photo: Dror Einav)

    Pour the batter over the pears and put in the oven (Photo: Dror Einav)

More fruit recipes

  • Recipe: Pear and ginger cake with white chocolate

  • Sweet milk jam cake

  • Coconut cake and apricots

  • Lemon pistachio cake with flavor

  • Pear and honey cake with walnuts

  • Candied pomelo peels

  • Apple and cinnamon pancakes

  • Millefeuille figs and white chocolate

  • Sweet matzah brai

  • Personalized honey cakes

  • Chocolate and orange fudge cutouts

  • Lemon jam

  • Candied orange peels

  • Frozen yogurt bars

  • Food


  • Pies

  • pears

  • recipe