The Limited Times

MSF, in Ventimiglia France also rejects unaccompanied minors

5/5/2023, 4:28:16 PM

"In recent weeks we have begun to record the refoulement to Ventimiglia by the French Gendarmerie even of unaccompanied minors". (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 05 - "In recent weeks we have begun to record the refoulement to Ventimiglia by the French Gendarmerie even of unaccompanied minors".

Sergio Di Dato, head of the mobile clinic of Doctors Without Borders which provides assistance to migrants in transit between Italy and France, tells ANSA.

The French, explains Di Dato, "are no longer able to absorb unaccompanied minors into their reception system and therefore have begun to send them back to Italy, which they could not do according to the regulations and the same Berlin Regulation".

On average, the NGO detects 20-25 pushbacks of people from France to Italy every day, a figure that "it is feared could increase after the Paris squeeze, which sent 150 reinforcement agents to the borders".